
While it is true that men can impregnate women at advanced ages, I think that women should stop pointing to it as male privilege.

So he had consensual ‘sexual contact’ with another adult, huh?  Gee stop the fucking presses.

Got it. So when an Asian person shoots at Asian people, it’s racial violence. When black people shoot at black people, that’s also racial violence. And when white people shoot at white people, that can also be concluded as racial violence.

These puriteens get the literal shakes over anything that might be vaguely *problematique*. I swear to God if we have to relitigate the sex force with these little turds...

I always think about that Mitch Hedberg joke.

That’s all the son thinks he did wrong too. He blames binge drinking and sexual promiscuity. Wonder where he got that.

I drank a shit ton of wine last night and I managed not to rape anyone.

And? Puberty regularly starts as early as 11, so what’s the difference between 17 and 18 besides an arbitrary law? Would you rather we all be forced only to date 60 year olds? Plus, 16 is the legal age a lot of places - including UK and many states in the US. If she was dating a 16 year old, I might start to

No amount of socialism will stop rich dudes from wanting to fuck hot young broads and no amount of free tuitition will stop some hot broads from fucking for money.

They’re fully consenting adults. Women have the right to do what they want with their own bodies.


Lily Cruz* started sugar dating six years ago, and in that time has seen many men who held a wide variety of jobs.

Seriously. Besides, the suggestion that a young woman looking for a good lay is more likely to find that with a college-aged guy is, well... I don’t really know how to mock that idea properly.

Also. It isn’t it much better that he has accepted he can’t be in a long-term committed relationship and doesn’t play around with marriage like most celebrities or super rich people? I would do the same thing if I was super famous and hot.

Sex work clients do not own sex worker temporarily anymore than Starbucks customer temporarily owns a barista. Clients pay for a services.

You’re forgetting that it’s the best wealth redistribution system we’ve got to equalize the genders

but of course, what do you think the money and power are for?

I’m proud of the groups I run, and I talk about them and think about them a lot. If that’s wrong, Idc. And I’m not what is trollish about a specific phrasing?

I am a man, and I understand male horniness better than most people here. And I don’t consider men or women to be calculating masterminds, but they are both self interested and have every right to pursue success and happiness in life, unencumbered by arbitrary, outdated sexual morality which was invented to cut women

It’s true. Why do you think women using sex has been shamed? If it wasn’t, women would rise in power faster than you would believe. Imagine the things a woman could get a man to agree to in his horniest moments. Patriarchy shames sex as a transaction specifically because it would make women too powerful otherwise.

I see the female use of sex to gain status or finances to be empowering. It’s currently shamed into “whore” status, but it’s basically an amazing dormant power that women have been shamed into never using. I always encourage the women in my groups to use sex to their advantage.