+1 if you can add a fish-sticks reference.
+1 if you can add a fish-sticks reference.
Indeed, the suggestion that a half-Sudanese, half-English (Malcolm McDowell is his uncle!) actor is an obviously more appropriate choice to play a Persian born in Afghanistan than an American of Italian and German descent seems more like a product of American/Western-centric race politics than anything else.
The extended family of a 17-year-old girl in East Texas has raised more than $40,000 to get her out of a gay…
Came in to make this exact post. “Joey with his teenie pizza!”
Well, if we consult the McCann Convention, I’m sure all of the following would be violations: Smiling, laughing, displaying admiration and respect for an opponent’s achievement, acknowledging implicitly that playing baseball can be fun, and having a name that ends in one of them funny foreign letters like ‘Z’.
This, everyone, is the *real* “right way to play the game”.
The blazing circus tent fire that has become the upcoming Nina Simone biopic will hopefully go down in history for…
No, gross, tongue is bad and stupid and you’re bad if you eat it.
The John Edwards hypothetical was a good one, I thought. Lots of people liked John Edwards. He seemed like a normal person. He had nice hair and a strangely dead-eyed Tom Cruise smile. A PERFECT CANDIDATE.
Re: turning into a baby: be on the look out for an odd-looking modded-out sci-fi lamborghini, with a mad-scientist at the wheel.
Good for her. She should go after ESPN too.
Czech Hippo Flaunts Newborn Body
I am Black and voting for HRC...I been down for HRC, since I was a little girl...researched her throughly...like her politically and morally a LOT better than her husband...I have not ONE ISSUE with what she said...nor how she said it...because I’m REALLY TIRED of the bullshit double standards that are being flung…
Please do elaborate on my interests? Because Income inequality isn’t fixing racism and the supposition that it will is ignorant as all hell. Like it’s literally infuriating. As is the fact that Sanders voted for the same crime bill that they like to throw in HRC’s face. I’m old enough to remember the crack epidemic…
But you are just making assumptions!
There doesn’t have to be, and that’s a valid answer to the question they’re asking. But until we have that answer, their question remains a valid one to ask.
Exactly. A major part of social science is asking questions we already have answers to, in order to find better ones.
Trump inherited a lot of money from his father. 200 million in fact in 1982. If he invested that money and left it alone, he’d be worth 8.3 billion dollars. Today, he is worth 2 billion dollars. I know Trump supports do not like facts. They wouldn’t like knowing that no refugee Muslims have committed a terrorist…
"Peaches and Cream and Pick and Roll"