Harry Black


Whatever about a shelf, some alcohol wipes to de-pooify it after you wash your hands is a good idea. Phones are generally covered in fecal matter.

One thing that really helped me was having the discipline to go slow. A long, SLOW run once a week or so has huge benefits. Even if your target distance is only 5k, an hour or even 90min on your feet going SLOW is a benefit. You will notice the difference.

I thought this was common knowledge for the last 10 years? Are people still using these?

We used to have these in the military. 90% of what people tell you to put in them on youtube is bollocks though. I ditched the tin and just wrapped everything in a space blanket or pocket bivvy bag with elastic bands. Shelter from heat/rain/cold while you wait to be rescued should be a massive priority. Flint and

I used to beast sit ups but have since changed for harder exercises. My logic is that every rep is a potential injury so with every exercise I want best results with fewer reps. It may be easier to hurt myself doing weighted incline sit ups but for me its easier to concentrate for those 10 reps than the 80-100 it

Oh please dont get me wrong. I just mean that if someone finds themselves overwhelmed and emotionally affected by the way they are consuming news, there is a lot of room to scale back. And by using friends you trust who do enjoy reading everything, the trade off can be very minimal for individuals. I certainly dont

I would add-

Congrats on your kettlebell result!

Using the rest between sets to do 2min of laundry folding or 2min of meal prep/cooking/cleaning so when Im done, Im done with everything.

Very true. I tried to avoid using a step counter for years because I didnt want to count the basic amount of exercise I did as part of my day as actual exercise lest I use it as an excuse not to do my run etc.

I tried this this morning and it was great!

Thank you for this really important message.

Me too! I made a floor to ceiling bag that goes in my open door frame though. I tied a bag stuffed with towels to my pull up bar (while traveling I have used large G clamps but those may be hard to find in the apocalypse instead of the bar) so its at eye level and tied the other end to a box full of books on the

Ive been putting on my favourite shows and just doing lunges for an entire episode. The next day sets of push ups. The next day bicep curls with a backpack etc etc.

It doesnt help with a competitive schedule but I am very non competitive so what keeps me going is designing my life and environment so that its full of 20minute blocks where I can fit in some sort of exercise.

I wonder if they offered more modest uniforms such as leggings and rash guard style tops, how many gymnasts would choose those over the current offering? Likewise for volleyball players and all the other sports where the uniform is magically atuned to the male gaze?

I wish more people would respond to online queries about exercise and health this way.

Comedy is (for a large part) a critique of culture and the world as the comedian views it.

Also, shouldnt he be chatting to some newly famous young guys too, by law of innocent averages?