Harry Black

People try to use the placebo effect as a justification for not debunking their pet woo treatments.

Thank you for this amazing answer!!!

Good for you. Theres a subset of people who refuse to believe the squat does not suit some people and that if you arent moving huge weights while doing it that you are wasting your time.

Good for them. Its sad that this is what it takes.

He was pretty good!

I bet it has worked that way at least once in the past and they upset/forgot to pay the wrong person.

Sadly it seems to be this case.

Before and after pics like that can be very deceptive. You can change the lighting and push out your gut and get two such pics within minutes of each other and it looks like he has done that trick here.

I don’t get American Paddy’s Day either. Drinking on Paddy’s day has only even been legal in Ireland since the 60's and it seems like any sort of big deal we make of it is imported and a show for the tourists.

Yeah....this asshole is making the assumption that the desire to hurt and control people is connected to desire to have sex and ability to have an erection.

I love me some treadmill running when its raining outside or I just did another thing at the gym and dont want to go home yet.

I feel like he might be vindicated but yes they do. Guilty people do that all the time.

I bought 3 pairs of jeans for less than 15 euros each 2 years ago and only one has died as of this month. I also still have t-shirts I bought over 20 years ago from Primark for a couple of euros each. So yeah, cheap stuff can last.

I think the concept of karma is just a way to get people to behave and sit patiently not making a fuss so that those in power can do what they want without consequences. Trusting the universe to sort it out is what promotes apathy and lets them get away with it all.

But the point is that they have an ethical obligation to ensure the safety of these children and at the moment, they are unable to ascertain the health and wellbeing of any of them.

I think it may just be an age demographic thing.

I hope you get your say soon.

It can be both.

I do that and manage to get in about 2hrs most week days and some solid 5hr stretches at the weekend.

And I should learn to spell “you”