Harry Black

I found these weren’t reliable in real-world usage and I can’t recommend them. First, they really need to be charged to 100% constantly. You MUST have it plugged into a USB charger in your car for it to have any chance of working. If you try to charge it at home, the battery will drain as it sits in your glove box and

But maybe this time HBO wants him to commit to some actual answers to his bullshit mystery boxes before moving forward with a multi-season prestige television drama.

I’d rather Abrams just go away entirely. He couldn’t end a story to save his life. Good at opening, shit at the rest.

I bought a bunch of them for running, since I sweat heavily once my heart rate hits a certain point and I start to flush. I notice now that I don’t get sunscreen in my eyes like I used to, since I’m able to wipe away sweat easily without touching my face.

Never liked forehead sweat bands, but wrist bands are still an absolute must when playing tennis.

Is Trump living in a sealed chamber in the WH? I’ve heard he’s a notorious germaphobe but it’s hard to believe he’s been able to dodge the virus this long.

He admitted to sexually assaulting women. One chamber has impeached him.

if that had anything whatsoever to do with this particular subject, then sure. We are not doing so great with our muslim community. Then again not a lot of countries really are. At least our borders aren’t closed to them.

But that has nothing to do with the subject. I wasn’t saying France would be perfect if we sorted

I think that depends on exactly what (if anything) is wrong with your knees, which a doctor/PT/good trainer could help you figure out.

But I have a wheat allergy and the gluten free weirdos make it so much easier to grocery shop because everything is marked “gluten free” these days. Dear upper middle class white girls, please avoid gluten so I can have 10 different kinds of pasta to choose from.

Also, I believe you can flag them and then also dismiss them and have the flag still stick, but I’m not 100% on that.

Just an FYI, if you come across a troll who is stalking and harassing you, or any other commenter, don’t just ignore them and keep them in the grays; or dismiss them; flag them to get them banned. 

I’d wager that every bit of his “broken” look is planned and probably even professionally done before any public appearance or interview.

Yeah, I mean, I kinda think there are more than enough reality shows about following the day-to-day lives of people who seem to only be famous because there’s a reality show following their day-to-day lives. So...I watch The Mandalorian or Watchmen instead.

Why is it the least a white man can do is listen? It’s always a passive action with them, then they get to go on forgetting about it all.

You don’t have to do this.

I’m getting a Judge Reinhold vibe from various pics of George.

Placebos do not "work" in the sense of reducing symptoms. Where symptoms are objectively trackable, placebos have no impact on them. The article is pretty narrowly focused on the psychological impact of placebo. And on that end of it what it does is reduce the *perception* of symptoms. Particularly in regards to