
If Netflix keeps this up, it’s going to backfire on them. I suspect there are a lot of people out there like me, who have kept Netflix for years, just out of habit. I started at $8-9 dollars per month. I tolerated it when it jumped to $14 last year because it was the first increase in a long time. But now that they’re

In less than five years, Netflix will have a bundled service of its 45 most popular streaming categories, only five of which have the stuff you want to watch most of the time. It will cost $60 dollars a month, but you can bundle it with their brand new telephone service for a cool $100.

Well done sir, well done. 

So a co-writer’s old Tweets are a reason to avoid a movie these days? You see, this is why no one got into the Good Place.

And you come off like an insufferable Gen X’er . Then again I didn’t read your comment.

Which would be exceptionally stupid even without COVID because Shuri didn’t show any reason whatsoever in the first film of why she would make a good Black Panther. She’s usually in her lab all day, she doesn’t interact with anyone outside of her family (except Ross), she hasn’t shown she has any diplomatic skills

There’s a joke somewhere in there, in my brain, about Matt Gaetz, but I’m just not yet finding it. Damn you mental block!!!

Do you really think the Republicans won’t get rid of the filibuster the second they have the majority in the Senate again?

Yeah I can see that this was a stupid comment to make in hindsight.

So the seething anger comes from David Sirota not being a huge Joe Biden fan? Even though he’s still a democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter... That’s why some people are refusing to watch a movie?

She is off using her medical skills to cure her cousin’s friends giant testicles!

‘The Twilight Zone’ had 3 fatalities, including 2 children.

I think that one wins.

Maybe her “shoulder injury” was CAUSED by the vaccine injection!!! WAKE UP SHEEPLE! 

You have literally described the point of the film. Word by word.

After rewrites, Marvel are confident that fans will hardly notice Shuri’s absence from large parts of the film, which is explained by other characters remarking that she’s off ‘doing her own research’.

Why so much hate for david sirota? Perhaps you one of those people who think they’re liberal despite actually having extremely conservative views?

There is shit we can do it’s just that the wealthy have no interest in doing it.

That’s literally a huge plot point in the movie. 

“...like pretty much every other big conversation to sweep across social media in recent years—which is to say, it’s been acrimonious, divisive, and loud.”

“Let’s watch this, it’s supposed to be a comedy, my kids like Leonardo DiCaprio, my grandkids like Ariana Grande, and I spend hours a day masturbating to Jennifer Lawrence. Wait, did I say that last part out loud?”