
You are a fucking moron.

I’m just exceptionally tired of intellectual cowards thinking no one has to be responsible for their words if they say it’s a joke.

Stop inventing things to hype your bullshit rhetoric.

Your idea that the things people say have no influence in the world is pathetic bullshit to excuse what garbage you personally are.

WORDS MATTER. That’s WHY free speech was so important to the founders of this country, because people SPEAKING out about the

There is no “middle ground” with regards to issues like human rights. Either you believe that everone deserves to be treated equally and with respect, or you don’t. There’s no compromise where you say “oh, give this minority group 3/5ths of their rights.” That’s not equality.

Te fact that youre still too fucking stupid to grasp this is mind-boggling.

Except it’s not okay to be on the right. But feel free to explain how you think it’s “okay” to be on the side banning books, stripping gay and trans people of their rights and making them the targets of physical violence, banning anortion and IVF, turning fucking school librarians into felons, fighting against gun

they call certain black people the black faces of white supremacy and call jews Nazis and liberals conservatives”

No one was calling for his death. The reviewer didn’t like the episode or the host. Happens. People have been disagreeing with the AVclub reviews of SNL for close to a decade now, but now it’s special when a putatively canceled comedian is the one getting the wrong opinion? Let me reverse the self-victimization: when

Except John Candy was actually funny 

Same. Farewell, sweet Jezzies. Been a pleasure.

I’m happy that Jezebel has survived the evil of herb.

As I indicated above, it is the incredibly small number of financially self-supporting actors that makes the phenomena of nepotism in acting so disappointing. There were 1,331,290 working lawyers in the United States as of Jan. 1, 2023 which means that even if 700 (the number of self-supporting actors) of those

Huh? It’s a well thought out comment, and I didn’t see anything “angry” in it. Btw, the article is not about people “taking over a successful store." Idiotic comparison.

“Do you feel equally angry about the people who take over the family business if a successful store and not being an actor in Hollywood?” There are 33,185,550 small businesses in the USA and 700 actors who make a living (over 50,000/year for at least 3 years in a row) from acting. So, no, I do not get as mad when

I feel like the nepo baby thing only comes up when the talent is in question. For all Jamie Lee Curtis complains about the nepo baby issue (and maybe it was a thing for her around the original Halloween era, I don’t know), it’s been decades since anyone questioned the fact that she was just loaded with talent and

is a boring topic? or is it instead a manifestation of broader cultural feelings regarding the ability to advance in our society?

It’s been my experience almost no one fully understands their own privilege because even the cushiest life has some challenges.

It is a boring topic. People can talk about Dakota Johnson being a terrible actor with no charisma without bringing up the nepo baby part.

She’s right though, it is boring and she’s under no obligation to pretend it isn’t. And there is no way that the fiftieth journalist in a row asking the same tired question about what she feels about the term “nepo baby” isresearching who is benefiting from varying systems of power and privilege.” 

I mean....it is pretty boring. Has been from the beginning and just continues to get worse as it continues to be a topic. Do we actually need every famous person with famous parents to apologize or feign deference and humility to the media about it?