
Same. Take care, my brothers and sisters. Keep fighting the good fight all across this weird country of ours—and beyond.

I wish I could star this comment more than once.

I see what you’re saying—I guess I wish that Biden would be clearer and more forceful in his support, and not leave the rest of us to give him the benefit of the doubt and figure out what he’s really signaling. “Abortion on demand” is such poor phrasing, imo.

Oh, yippee! Can’t wait to read all about this!
Vito Barbieri looks about how I’d expect a guy who asks questions like this would look.

...10+ years in clinic spaces in hostile states takes a lot of life out of you!

I hear ya, let’s keep on fighting!

Ah, okay, thanks for the added insight.

1. Thank you for the work you do/did.
2. Fascinating insight, thank you. 

Oh, interesting, I didn’t know that ~seven months = viability, or that doctors wouldn’t do an abortion after that.

Absolutely. I lived in Los Angeles for ten years before moving to Reno, where things were (at the time) way more affordable. It still is more affordable than Los Angeles, but so is most of the country. :) Anyway, for ten years, I kept thinking, Something has to give. This isn’t sustainable.


Understood. Thanks. :) 


Okay, thanks. I really didn’t know how to Google that breakdown of third-trimester abortions, but the seeming illogic of carrying a pregnancy for 7-9 months and then deciding it just isn’t for you is kind of glaring. At least to me. Not that it can’t happen—and I want to say “not that it shouldn’t happen”, because

And yet... And YET...

One can be pro-choice and think that third trimester abortions should be rare and limited to cases where either the fetus is nonviable and/or the mother’s health is at severe risk.

I’m pretty new around these parts—who’s Crystal Jewell and why was she banned?

Oh, absolutely. And he strikes me as the strong, silent type who would go through labor quickly and painlessly, with zero complaints.

I’m not a TwiX user, so I have to ask: Is 3.2K likes vs 6K replies what they call getting ratio’d?

I’m not proud of the thoughts that go through my head when I read articles like this. Right now, the things I wish would happen to Sen. Rick Brattin (R) are particularly uncharitable.