
I think it may have had something to do with his downfall.


Yes, I did. Apologies. I misread the comment to which I was replying.

cowtow” is a wonderful way to modify kowtow for Trump.

::slow clap::

re not actually having any platform to speak of

The twain has met here, no?

I don’t remember it, but I’ll know it when I see it. 😉

I just feel bad for all the mechanics who are going to have clean the tailpipes in Oklahoma.

Ooh, great point. Okay, how many abortions do you think he’s promised to pay for? 

Quick tangent: How many abortions do you think Trump has paid for? And yes, we include any that he paid for on behalf of his kids. I’d say approaching triple digits.


For sure. Maybe he could find an old canister vacuum to get off with?

I’d agree with this, but he strikes me as the type who “accidentally” murders his partner during rough sex and then uses campaign donations to pay someone to cover it up.

Small government for me, ever-intrusive spy state for thee!

Not only his his collection impressive, but his porn career is also incredible.

I know, right? That’s not too much ask for a little bit of—but not really a whole lot of—freedom!

Well, that was the correct thing to do. He was just living the very same values by which he himself lived. Oh, wait...


Counterpoint: Allow abortion up to five years old.