
He... asked Larry David for permission to date Cheryl Hines? That’s disturbing on multiple levels, not the least of which is his apparent inability to tell fact from fiction, which, I guess we already knew. 

“The House majority ought to count for something. We should get at least half of what we want, shouldn’t we?” Good said.

I have no doubt you’re correct.

I know, it’s just infuriating. And co-sign on that doc—especially if you need an enema or you’re out of ipecac. 

Thank you.

Land of the free, huh?

Google Watkins

Great—and nauseating—point.

Jewel: What did you think about my last album?
KC: I thought it was neat.

He’s such an annoying little puke.

Ramaswamy’s closing message to Iowa voters before getting blown out in a distant fourth place was as pitiful as you’d expect: “There are two genders. And no, a man cannot become a woman. Iowa, I’m asking for your vote tonight.”

These motherfuckers just will... not... stop. 

Okay, see, that jibes much better with my vision of the modern GOP. 😂

(even though every previous shutdown has hurt the party controlling Congress in the next election...)

When talking about rampant crime in America, Kev talked about Bakersfield all the time, right? Oh, wait...

A sentient tapeworm that looks like Steve Bannon?

That sentient rude big mac will live forever just to piss us off.

Stay strong, friend. 


Despite all their rage, they are still just rats.