
Also, judging by the picture, Ron is still struggling with his lessons at Smile School.

😂 Yours is much better.

Charles’s and Asa’s sons, respectively.

John Early is a national treasure. This game probably isn’t.

A lot of people see Palin as the proto-Trump, but I think Reagan is a much better fit for that. Palin is the proto-Bobo.

I’m not sure I’d be allowed back on this site if I gave you my full list of targets for Sherman’s March 2.0.

The typo in your edit is so perfect—it encapsulates her dumb butt pretty well.

Ape who starts argument on the Internet decries arguing on the Internet. Ape who decries making demands of others makes demands of others.

Well, we’re at an impasse, I guess. Maybe we have different definitions of what building a movement is? I don’t know.

Well, things that are “helpful” to “building a movement” include “keep[ing] people informed”, right?

And furthermore, writing articles isn’t doing politics. It’s helpful, it keeps people informed...

Nikki Haley refused to take down the Confederate flag for years. Anything is fair game.

I’m genuinely confused as to how ApeWhoHathNoName came to the conclusion that you’re a liberal.

Exactly. So your defense against a “Democrat plant” is to purposely avoid addressing slavery’s very, very large role in the Civil War? That’ll show ‘em, Nikki!


I think it’s that they want ONE win—then they can point to it and claim all the other losses were some grand conspiracy.

They also tend to live shorter lives.

Is it based on anything concrete? Or just a general stank that most likely emanates from Trump?

Huh. So she has a type.