
Rotten Ronnie’s Roundup of Rank Rascals

The Gravy Seals!

William Shatner.

Don, Jr.: Kimmy? Where’s the turkey, hon?

...those Christian right-wing holiday movies aren’t calling like they used to.

Oh, he’s already well acquanted with Fox, as he was on there to promote his magnum opus, To Die For.

I would say it’s the exact opposite. I’ve experienced a fair amount of Christians who express pity that I don’t celebrate Christmas. Meanwhile, I’m just enjoyin’ my Chinese food. :) 

I hope they each get themselves a little league uniform to celebrate their triples. 

Amazing is one word for it. 😂

This argument is an indictment of the positions Fetterman is taking now, and also of your original thesis.

LOL I stand corrected!
Also, +1 for “military cowboy cosplay”. These men really are children, aren’t they?

Is the “Maverick leather jacket” a thing amongst rich douchebags now? Both Elon and Vivek are rockin’ it... terribly.

As an X-ennial, I am on your side. I stand beside you to fight against Gen X erasure.

The 66% is from the poll in the article under which you’re commenting. That being said, that poll was from October 20th. Yours is more current.

How about just the one position, then? And when you say “extremely online left”, I take it that means the 66% of Americans who want a ceasefire?

So well said. Thank you.

But is she super?

Great point.

100% this.

Calm The Fuck Down! But not with chairs!