
I’ve been suggesting getting rid of Netflix in the Ballz household for over a year now, but my wife is still a fan, and so I fall into the category of, Well, I guess more streaming options is always nice. But I’m primarily a Hulu/HBO Max guy.

Well, remember, when crafting a joke about dalliances with minors, less is (Roy) Moore.

ThERe’S 2 tYpEs OF iVErMEcTIN!

Black Panther: Wa-COVID Forever!

Science is finally catching up to what we’ve been saying... I mean, you go back 20... 30 years...

Well done, sir/madam. The “I guess I’m just wondering if...” section of your comment is perfect.

It’s that bad, huh?

Or even here:


It really, really is.

Yeah, I’m a dum. He almost surely meant “until I have all the material I need for my comedy special”.

You (and the others who have said the same) are absolutely right. I read “special” as an adjective and “shot” as a noun. D’oh!

To be fair, anti-vaxxers will use an iffy horoscope to promote anti-vaxxing.

Haha, I know.

Huh, yeah, that could definitely be it.

FWIW, the sheriff’s office tweeted out that no signs of drug use or foul play were immediately apparent.

His last IG post has a bizarre mention of a “special shot”—and I see that people are blaming his death on his COVID booster, le sigh—but I wonder what he meant by that line.

Oof, this one hurts. Rest in peace, Mr. Poitier.

Or just sit on a heater vent.
