Secret Star Hacks.
Secret Star Hacks.
“Suicide is tragic enough, but it’s particularly bewildering when young people who appear to have it all take their own lives.”
I knew a vegetarian who ate hot dogs because animals did not need those parts in order to survive
My sister orders bacon on her veggie burgers, but she knows darn well that bacon is meat. She was a vegetarian for awhile, but now she “Doesn’t eat birds or cows, just pigs and fish.” I’m not sure whether her rationale is moral or aesthetic, or what.
“Does swiss cheese have holes in it? I’m pretty sure I like swiss, but I don’t like the holey-kind of cheese.”
Seriously. And it takes awhile for that stuff to kick in too. You’re not going to feel it immediately the way you do when you smoke/vape it. That’s where people get into trouble with edibles, and then wig out because how were they supposed to know they shouldn’t have eaten half of the pan of brownies?
I agree with you — I’d rather testing on animals than humans if that’s the only other viable option.
There’s a scene late in the film when Michelle Monaghan (who plays Sandler’s love interest, obviously) sees Sandler at a black-tie dinner at the White House (with President Kevin James, remember). Her eyes widen. “You dress up pretty sharp in that tux,” she says, and she means it, and he tries to look modest with a…
I was baptised at 6 months, but grew up without religious influences besides Christmas and Easter celebrations (no church). One of my favourite books when I started reading was Sindbad’s adventures. When I first heard about Jesus in religious studies in elementary school my mind compared him to Sindbad and I thought…
The right to believe in make believe stories and characters that dictate our everyday lives.
I might recommend watching the Futurama episode that the entire movie is ripping-off. It’s like Sandler’s entire creative thought process revolves around “How can I take something awesome and make it suck?”
I’ve been playing videogames for twenty years but I’ve never played online because I’m too afraid. I really really don’t want a fun and important part of my life to become a thing where I feel uncomfortable or upset. I know, I know, not all male gamers/not all online gamers/not all online male gamers, but it’s only…
Not really surprising when doing “X like a girl” or losing to a woman is considered horribly emasculating and something to be avoided at all costs. You see if everywhere, not just video games — if a woman does something on par or better (or percieved to be better), a lot of men will lash out. Even if not verbally or…
It’s more meant to be a joke since women who wear a lot of make are told they “look like clowns.”…
When the first xBox came out I bought it for my boyfriend at the time and we started playing Halo together. I can not tell you how many times that game got thrown in the trash because I had kicked his ass at it and he was pissed. He’d rip it out of the xBox, slam it into the box and throw it in the garbage. I’d go…
It’s like they’re always on their periods or something.
god men are so sensitive
A new study which attempted to explain the sexist reactions of men when traditionally male environments (read:…