Every time I think Lana has relased her slowest, saddest song, she comes up with a more depressing one. This one could be played at a funeral.
Every time I think Lana has relased her slowest, saddest song, she comes up with a more depressing one. This one could be played at a funeral.
Latino Guy Makeup Tricks
The ‘straight pride’ flag is as lame as it deserves to be. I wish we had flags for all kinds of shitty people so we could spot them easily and avoid them.
Oh my god. This makes me want to make a pinterest account so badly. As an art student, I’m proficient at making horrible, useless things from scratch and I could use my genius to troll crafty people into insanity. I'm totally doing this, I swear I'm the Rembrandt of crappy DIY. This is my time to SHINE.
I LOVE this!!! There’s nothing funnier than pissing idiots off. So glad this planet is full of them. I mean, this planet is hilarious.
I think Cara is a lesbian though? I may be wrong, but I’m not sure why people are so certain she’s bisexual.
I don’t know how to explain it properly, but I see where she’s coming from. There is a history of men stealing the work of women in many fields, so I guess you can look at the issue from that angle. I’m not sure if that’s relevant to this particular case though, since contemporary art is mostly regurgitated barf and…
I think the whole “you’re a feminist if you believe in equality” thing is such a gross oversimplification of feminism as a political movement. Being a feminist implies actual critical analysis of things, and even activism. The conclusions that feminist theorists reach are more often than not unsettling and unpopular.…
I agree that his name shouldn’t be broadcasted, but everyone should know how creepy and white he is. Let’s see if his type replaces the young black man in a hoodie as the paragon of evil.
I follow lots of fashion blogs on Tumblr and everyone seems to hate her, mostly for being overused, not having a good walk, and making weird faces. I don’t particularly like her look or her work, and I don’t know much about her, but I’m under the impression that she’s a really cool person. I’ve started to get curious…
Me too! I hate shaving and avoid it as much a possible. I wear thick, dark tights all year round.
Ugh the concept of “no makeup makeup” is so absurd. Makeup and the brushes to apply it cost a shit ton of money, and you can spend an entire hour on it. You may as well buy some colorful shimmery stuff and have fun.
- Debaucherry (AKA Debbie Cherry or Cherry D)
You don’t need a man for that. You need gross calloused hands, or a rubber jar opener.
It would be really cool if they had to fight one another to death hunger games style until only ONE of them was left alive. Wasn't that how Beyonce won her Destiny's Child title?
I recently developed an obsession with makeup, especially eyeshadow. The weird thing is that I didn't care much about it until the recent Lime Crime credit card scandal.
I turn 26 in march and I still look like a baby faced teenager. If she's really 26, well, perhaps all the makeup and surgeries made her age faster? Maybe she's on hard drugs? Who knows.
There's no such thing as "cis privilege" for women. Women don't have privilege over males, and they certainly don't have privilege for being women.
"If someone identifies as a woman". You mean, the full-bearded, "nonbinary", "genderfluid" males that insist that lesbians should sleep with them and complain about the "cotton-ceiling". Don't make me laugh.