
I know. These women are fat. There is no way around it. Why are we pushing people to accept these bodies as "beautiful"?? They may be "real" "natural" and "normal" (sadly) but that does NOT mean we should push for this as a standard of normalcy. People take fat acceptance too far. We are fat enough as it is.

I did neither of those things and I still recognized it right away. Though to be fair I think it was in A Pictoral History of Adolf Hitler, which I bought when I was 12. Also I was the kind of child that spent their allowance on A Pictoral History of Adolf Hitler, so that might also be part of the answer.


This is why we can't have Sexiest Men Alive.

If this dude is the pinnacle of male sexiness, let's all just give up now.

No. Never.

BRB adopting a lot of brown kids from third world countries for my Humanitarian Award.

I like your bold text because this is so important!!!! I often get really annoyed on Jezebel because a lot of very educated women on here are so quick to be like "THAT'S NOT EXACTLY FEMINIST THEORY!!! BAD!!! YOUR OPINION DOES NOT COUNT!" Regardless of the academic and theoretical interpretations of feminism (which are

The thing is Miley Cyrus is a 20 year old girl, her entire life has probably been spent watching videos by the overly sexual Christina Aguilera (dirrty) and Britney Spears (spave 4 u) ect.. So while she has agency I do think she has been influenced a lot by the patriarchy.
We're fed the lie that getting naked and

That's where Siberian Ice Fairies keep the majority of their blood vessels.

This is one of those optical illusion things. Stare at her belt buckle at the center of the image for thirty seconds. Then look away from your monitor - look anywhere else - and you'll see something more attractive than this outfit.

Every Siberian ice fairy knows how important it is to keep your neck and forearms warm.

Did this poor girl just get whatever was left after the stylists finally passed out after their cocaine binge?

I wish I could believe that Lady Gaga was being genuine but she says a lot of crap that makes her sound good but then rarely backs it up with her behavior or actions. She also seems too self-involved to actually want to give up her magazine cover. It's pretty easy for her to say she'd like to give the cover to someone

I don't think that's exactly fair. Everything has the potential for someone to be allergic to it. People are allergic to peanuts, sugar, grass, dander, bees, fucking anything. There are 40 cases of people being allergic to water! That doesn't make the object inherently dangerous or worthy of being criminalized. People

I swear Miley is making pot uncool. It's the same with twerking. She just sucks the fun out of everything. I mean you see Rihanna smoke pot and it's like "good for her she's relaxing" You see Miley doing it and it's like "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME" I can smell her desperation from her. It's not a good look.

I like my men in tights

Zechs Marquise

Since video game characters seem to be included, my first crush ever was on Link from the Zelda games. The implied kiss at the end of Zelda II- my pre-pubescent heart melted:D