
Groupies do. That kid is the most famous teen idol in the world. I remember in the 80s some girls would make it backstage to a RATT or Skid Row or whatever hair band, and take pics of themselves with the band members. So what if he's sleeping, I don't understand how so many commenters don't understand how this goes

"Also — this is fucking creepy and invasive as fuck". This annoys me. For all of you out there who are so upset on the issue of "privacy", and calling the Brazilian woman "creepy" please understand there are a WHOLE LOT of other issues at stake here, like, North-South histories of colonialism, does it ring a bell for

Sorry, maybe I'm missing the "creepy" aspect here... he's just sleep, there are a million and one youtube vids of folks sleeping... I don't think I would react differently if it were a woman either. It's not like she was doing anything to him, he wasn't naked, nothing strange going on. People do this all the time;

Eyebrows keeps saying "Gay is bad for you". He's making it sound like a hip new drug I really wanna try.

It was kinda sad (and telling) that he didn't actually know why gay was bad, just that it was. Classic parroting there. I really hope he's given the chance to think for himself someday. Apart from parroting his parents' views, I thought he was super adorable- those eyebrows! Squee!

Miss Russia's costume is a reference to the ancient Siberian tradition of going out of the bathroom without realising you've got a bit of toilet roll stuck to your shoe.

Can we have a Battle Royale between the Misses of theUniverse and Victoria's Secret Angels??

The thing about these boys? The Larry fandom (the people of the internet who ship the secret love of Harry and Louis) is rabid and CERTAIN that their management is very much in control of their public image, to the point that Louis has a fake girlfriend and Harry and Louis are no longer allowed to stand together,

I'm pretty sure it's intended to be polarizing, even inflammatory. The first few examples, while neat, and even a bit funny, failed to carry an especially strong message without Trumble's explanation.

Whiteness and white supremacy is an institution. One that you're a part of whether you like it or not. When we talk about "white people" we're talking about the institution of whiteness upon which racism stands.

In the same way people say stuff like "Ugh, banks are thieving scum bags" and it's a given that we're not

It takes a special kind of person to be offended by a birthday cake, even if it's sent to the wrong location. Lucky for us, Kelly Osborne is exactly that special.

I am surprised the Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr lasted as long as it did. I don't think i ever saw them in a pic together after the baby was born.

Yes, there is hope for the rest of us. After working with Miranda for numerous years I can wholeheartedly say the woman is a cunt.

There is a big difference between taking a role in a trashy film, or playing a trashy character in a good film, and acting trashy off stage/screen. Otherwise, every actress who played a hooker with a heart of gold would be called a whore, rather than rewarded with an Oscar nomination.

This was published a few days ago and it's still just rankling me. Touting an unplanned pregnancy as an avenue to getting your life together is just the most toxic kind of bullshit. So what, my abortion was a bad choice because I should have just embraced a roll-with-it attitude? If I had stayed pregnant, would I have

I usually don't end up seeing my comments show up, and I am not sure why. I read Jez a lot on my phone, and just end up not feeling like it— however much I love or disagree with a piece. So, even if this doesn't show up, I have to say it and I hope I see more people saying something similar if not. I see that this is

You know what was the biggest advantage to my unplanned pregnancy? I stopped being a pro-life dick. Nothing like the crushing and completely suffocating feeling of an unplanned pregnancy to make you stop being a self righteous asshole. I didn't get an abortion (I was married, we were in an OK situation, etc.) but fuck

This is a very good Legolas.

Nice work and all, but he looks more like Legolas in this painting.