
I think it's supposed to sound like "hey, you guyssss" from the Goonies movie but I still don't like it but since it is coming from Burt, I tolerate it.

My dog helps me sort my laundry. She is also a sock ninja by night. You think the dryer actually stole your sock?!!

Now playing

This boy must totally be related to Robby Novak from those Meineke commercials.

Now playing

Not sure if this was posted yet but this side by side of the 2 videos is epic! I can't stop watching it! Hilarious!!

Why do they need so many photographers snapping away for the same exact shot? Ridiculous! I think every celebrity should have their own photographer who follows them around everyday. Then that photographer releases the photos to all major outlets. This would make red carpet paparazzi obsolete. And hopefully someday

Maybe she meant a a glass and said window. Like she is behind the glass and people watch her like the whole "celebrities are in a fishbowl" perhaps? Or pehaps the need a clear shot of just her, a window shot?

Maybe she meant a a glass and said window. Like she is behind the glass and people watch her like the whole "celebrities are in a fishbowl" perhaps? Or pehaps the need a clear shot of just her, a window shot?

I meant it is a publicity to *distract* not *take away*.

I think this is a publicity stunt to take away from the wittle eenie weenie scandal that was posted on The Dirty site last week.

I think this is a publicity stunt to take away from the wittle eenie weenie scandal that was posted on The Dirty site last week.

I'm not gay but I would totally marry Jennifer Lawrence and Sandra Bullock and be totally satisfied.

I volunteered at the Badwill (Goodwill) *side note, don't EVER donate to that place, EVER!* and let me tell you, people would donate those shoes day and night and they were the worst quality ever but we would mark them $9.99 and up because the girls that marked the prices on merch thought people would buy them because

No, DO NOT watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. It's the worst. I used to love it but once Brandi came on I stopped watching. She used to be a breath of fresh air but totally ruined the BH franchise.

First Goopster and now him. "People Mag" is certainly doing this on purpose to get people talking and it worked. Good job, "People". But I am sick of people doing/saying shit that pisses people off just for publicity. Over it. On another note, I win the award for most times a person can use the word "People" in a

That E story just gave me the chills! My "Snapped" theory is going to be true I tells ya! Killed her daughter to have her man and when man rejected her she killed him too!

I just read that her mom and her husband shared a bed after her death so..... I'm changing my story. I think mom fell in love with Britt's husband, took Britt out to have him all to herself and when he refused her she killed him too. I see a new episode of "Snapped" in the making.

My theory is the mom poisoned her daughter for her money and since the husband gets it all after her death, she poisoned him too. She lived with them and didn't get sick from the mold. what a coi-ink-e-deenk.

Posted this as a comment but it fits this thread better. If I am not mistaken, didn't Brittany's mom live with them? If so, my theory is she poisoned the daughter for her money and since the husband gets it all after her death, she poisoned him too. My only issue is.... with all the episodes of "Snapped" I have seen,

If I am not mistaken, didn't Brittany's mom live with them? If so, my theory is she poisoned the daughter for her money and since the husband gets it all after her death, she poisoned him too. My only issue is.... with all the episodes of "Snapped" I have seen, would anyone still use rat poison to kill someone. They