Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! lol
I don't think is was the clicking of profiles that hurt her wrists. I think chronic masturbation is the real culprit.
As soon as Jimmy Fallon's credits start rolling I change the channel right away. I don't want to give Carson not even a second of viewer ratings. Same goes with the Bethany show.
She uses the glasses to protect her eyes from the searing flames and splashes of scolding oil.
I have said it before and I will say it again. I feel like Gaga is transforming her face into Lana Del Rey's face right before my very eyes. But I do need glasses so there is that.
I second that.
Sophieplum, I know some people think it's far fetched but i think my friend's story is more believable to me than this hideous monster story. No clue why but I just feel it in my gut.
I didn't say it was true, I am just relaying what you wanted me to relay. None of us was there, none of us knows the truth but the people that lived it.
Not saying it's true or not, don't shoot the messenger. lol It brings a whole new discussion to the show. This is what she said: "According to our family she was wrongly accused because the king at the time owed her more than the kingdom was worth. Her husband loaned him all the money for the war he was conducting and…
I have a friend who is a descendent of LaLaurie. She says it was all bull and her ancestors were painted as monsters and none of it ever happened. I will find the post and copy and paste what she said. Do I believe her? Maybe, maybe not, but she was very passionate about it not being the whole truth and more of an…
"Bitch!". haha! On another note, I would have had many not so swift beatings if I behaved this way.
Burt, you just made me so happy with your reply! I feel like the first time your Aunt Kathy got stuffed with a little bit of JGL! weeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
Other than being over people writing "guise" instead of "guys", I am sooooo thrilled to have you as a new writer here on Jez. I only knew of your writing at first because of your "Aunt Kathy" posts, and from there I clicked on your name and found a whole new world of awesome comments and writing. Congrats!!
I knew it!!! I just about shit my drawers!!!
But I don't want botox, I want laser removal and teeth whitening. I mean, they (my friends) want laser and teeth whitening.
I could swear he says "this is my corn!"!!!! I swear he did!!!!
Is there a 5K like this for say... women over 30? If so, where can my "friends" sign up?
Wait a minute, is this the same "Burt" who's aunt Kathy dated JGL??????? I didn't even read who wrote it but I thought to myself, this is the best Dirt Bag writing in a while. Then I scroll down and see the comments and a light in my mind lit up!!!!
Is J Love, the world? I'm pretty sure she is the reason it's cancelled.