Didn't Kanye's lyrics reference Beck's song "loser" in his song "get'em high"?
Didn't Kanye's lyrics reference Beck's song "loser" in his song "get'em high"?
Some people have laugh lines and some have scowl lines as we age. Some say you can tell what kind of person someone is by the lines. And she does not look like a happy person or a person who brought others happiness. My mom has scowl lines. Lol
What if the model had serious camel toe and this was their attempt at "binding" the toe.
Goodwill is not a charity. It's a privately owned company owned by some millionaire that pays all his employees minimum wage. Pretty much you are donating to him when you donate to goodwill. Donate to Salvation Army instead, they actually help homeless and others in need.
She was wearing Carolina Herrera.
Did Lindy ever read the Ramona books? One of the big themes of the books is Ramona wanting to be grown up and not a baby so IMO this is obviously an adult writing the review and mocking the story line.
Did Lindy ever read the Ramona books? One of the big themes of the books is Ramona wanting to be grown up and not a baby so IMO this is obviously an adult writing the review and mocking the story line.
Benhadd, interesting theory! I seriously need to get into religion to curb this sugar addiction. Sugar is totally ruining my thighs.
Why does every coke head turn into a religious freak?
You MUST check this company out. Too pricey for every day use but they have samples they can send you. A makeup artist used this on me a few times and I too have splotchy face marks sometimes and this foundation gave me great, natural coverage with that same Demi glow. LOVE it! I bought one and only use it on special…
Stout, I only saw the interview where the husband said he saw the receipt online. He said he knew it was theirs because he could make out his name even though it was blacked out/blurred. Did I miss the part where they were tracked down? My bad. Lol
She didn't expect the customer to recognize their own receipt. I probably wouldn't have recognized my own receipt, especially if you toss a few mimosas in the mix. *wink wink* lol
Another great Dirt Bag under your belt, Burt! Bravo! It was so good that I had to actually research before I posted this, I never do that!! lol
And I was right. Lindsay Lohan can not get away from drama even if her life depended on it. See: Baron Hilton squabble. lol
This is what I like, not just a recap like the one Davies wrote (no offense to Davies) but a recap, like yours, that makes me think. I already saw the episode, I don't need a frame by frame recap. lol But yes, you would make a great writer!
I DO NOT like to judge celebrities or people I do not know but when I read the Lindsay article I chuckled to myself "Uh-huh... Oooooo-kaaaayyyyy, Lindsay".
I also started playing a little over a year ago. I beat the game on my phone and on Facebook. I thought I was done with it but then I went back and started all over to try and get 3 stars on every level. I am on level 260. I hate this game! I curse it and I curse my friend for begging me to play to send her extra…
I want to know what meds those were! Lol