
...that’s a strangely specific thing to always have said.

It’s like I’ve always said: if you eat a stranger’s ass in the parking lot before the game, your mouth will probably taste like ass afterwards.

“hitting Thielen for 130 yards and two scores in a Week 5 win over Atlanta.”

And when he went to practice the next day, a small sign hung in the practice facility that read simply: Zach Brown Banned.

Well said. The absence of teams for some 20 years really hurt the possibility of a strong homegrown product in the short term.

People stayed Raiders fans or moved on to the Cowboys or some other team. For the record, I never once—in my nigh decade and a half in the city—saw Rams fans prior to the announcement that

Honestly would that be worse if they somehow switched? With Trump as owner of the Chargers they would still be in San Diego. He would just stick his name on the stadium in tacky gold letters instead of Qualcomm and claim it was the best stadium despite all the evidence.  Meanwhile we’d have a milquetoast George H W

I mean, LA clearly cares about NFL football. Just not necessarily about Chargers football (or the Rams necessarily either, judging from all the red at yesterdays game). But the owners don’t care who the people sitting in the stands cheer for. They paid for tickets, parking, probably a lot of beer and stuff, and their

It’s simple. If you don’t give FailKids professional sports teams, then they run for office. Let them run teams into the ground; then that’ll keep them occupied and you don’t end up President Dean Spanos.

powder blue dis-chargers.

I’d venture to say, any seat availability at a road game with Steeler, Philly, Patriot fans, will be quickly scooped up by them. There might be other strong fanbases that’ll show in force, but I’ve noticed Steeler and Philly fans will for sure.

“pay to build us a new stadium or we’re moving to LA.”

If you contracted the Chargers, their good players could go to other teams with better medical staffs.

I never understood the logic:  Take a city that hasn’t cared about NFL football for about 20 years.  Put a team there, wait a year, then put another team there.  Why?  Maybe if the Chargers were there alone their fans would follow and make some new ones, but once the Rams were there, the Chargers were not getting any

This is straight brilliant.

HannibalArmies2 has risen, he has risen indeed.

*sees article about Adrian Peterson and a play switch

If you listen closely, you can hear Peterson say, “You switch the play and you’ll get the switch!”

A LOT of things make Peterson testy, including his son's testies.

I feel that the sentiment here was “This is the Dolphins we’re going to succeed on this play anyway”