
Count me among the people who don’t understand this rule.

The Bucs should be deported just for the font on their uniform numbers.

Pshaw, I saw Doug Flutie dropkick an extra point. ONLY CALL ME WHEN SUPER WEIRD SHIT HAPPENS.

Doctors don’t prescribe cigarettes. Nobody is getting hooked on cigarettes because that carton of Marlboro Reds they were sent home with following surgery was just too good to stop using.

You don’t appear to understand how journalism and sources work. Nor do you understand that anything attributed to “unnamed” sources in a legitimate, and upstanding publication, will have gone through extensive vetting to verify their claims.

C'mon. This guy was a gopher. Both addicts, just happened that the famous one died

I mean, he is an addict. At least he is trying to get help now.

A sports team from Georgia suffering a back breaking loss through a combo of underwhelming play, poor decisions, deeply rooted neuroses, and straight up choking?? Must be the lamestream media making up more fake news

[That was fast; editorial suggestion redacted]

One guy getting three interceptions in one game is nuts. Carolina’s offense has been suspect all year (honestly past couple seasons since Connor Shaw graduated) but it’s nice to see the defense playing well. Who knows, maybe SC can still make a bowl game this year!

I initially read the quote that way as well, but having gone back and looked at it again, it sounds like Kerr is speaking less about the man or his reprehensible policies and more about how, regardless of their political differences, both Reagan and his visitors held a respect and reverence for the country, the dignit

For the record, I love the writers here and I hate that this company was taken over by a bunch of smooth brained perpetual underacheivers who I heard are secretly racist and have really small weiners.

I have seen people crapping on Rachel Nichols and LeBron James for not speaking up about these things....as they're standing in the middle of China.  It's insane to expect them to do that.  Dissent is life threatening in China.

A friend who lives in Maryland has one of the red caps he wears often. We joked that it looked like a Walgreen’s hat and he got upset. So, of course, we always refer to it as his his Walgreen’s hat.

Because this is way past any fucking reasonable line. You’re saying Kerr is a bitch because he didn’t set himself on fire and go fight a cactus before jumping into an OJ bath.

one who’d like to preserve the perception of themselves as brave truth-tellers, but would prefer not actually having to engage in any of that risky truth-telling business.

Right we should allow China to dictate which freedoms we enjoy. China literally said Morey didn’t have the right to free speech, which was a fairly anodyne statement of support of HK. Don’t dramatically hyperbolize the situation and then be sarcastic about what you created.

Nah. We can be pissed off at the NBA for silencing someone’s take. That’s not like the various administrations sticking Uncle Sam’s genitals into the world’s various holes, but something we can do if we like. Nobody’s saying that we want to enforce our worldview on China. But I’ll be damned if I can’t say I don’t like

This is something I find myself struggling with a lot. There’s a part of me that says, well, if China’s money can buy Kerr’s speech, than anyone else’s could, too, so that means anything else he has to say is basically moot. That’s an idealistic part, maybe the sixteen year-old part of me, that still believes that

I disagree with a lot of what you are saying here. I do wish that Kerr said more, but you can’t just jump from “he didn’t say what I wanted him to say about this issue” to “stick to sportzzzz!”