Tough to be an MLB pitching coach when you refuse to work with lefties.
Tough to be an MLB pitching coach when you refuse to work with lefties.
I like their Spring Training Cap
While I like their Americanized uniforms I wish the Brewers had moved back instead so we could have a Rangers-Astros World Series someday
things would have gone differently if he just had thought a little harder about his glove placement.
Glasnow picked the worst possible time to adopt glasnost.
It was a terrible joke about the weed killer that people claim causes cancer
You also left in a NLDS, if you wanted to fix that too.
Speaking of slumlords, can we just talk about the demise of Splinter instead?
The Roundup News has always been a cancer for Pierce College
and responded by kicking Nix in the face. Cosgrove pulled Nix out of the pathway so the two could escape, but then the owner decided to use the doggie door himself to reach out and fire his taser
Nix Bruised In Scrape, May Be Cut
Everyone has conveniently forgotten that the Fort Wayne Pistons definitely exist.....
What about my favorite and least favorite NFL teams? The fuckin Jets and the fuckin Patriots.
Los Angeles Angels oF Anaheim.
Kansas City Chiefs
Toronto Maple Leafs?
Ah whoops, them too. Thank you for adding more information to this breaking news story.
Buffalo Buffalo
For those curious...
The last time a person from Los Angeles choked that hard by giving up dongs, David Carradine was found dead in his hotel room.