
From what I gather, it’s taking a tomato and slicing it up so it looks like tuna. So basically tomato nigiri.

You can acknowledge, rightly, that listing it as a line-item instead of just integrating it into the food prices is a nasty way for restaurant owners to turn their customers against their own employees.

Whoa, 3 sakes at a dinner for one on a Tuesday? That’s not covered by per diem!

Yeah, this issue came up on the Salty Waitress column over on the Takeout a couple weeks ago.

Speaking as pro-employee, restaurants should integrate the costs of employee health insurance into their pricing. Restaurants who insist on this surcharge are, as you say, just passive-aggressively complaining about

I’m with Darren here. I’ve seen a few restaurants pull this bullshit- there’s a chicken place in California that has a “California cost of business fee”.

I strongly, strongly recommend clicking through and watching him get torn to tiny little brand-humping shreds in the replies.

You know for sure after that photo was taken he circled the ‘health insurance’ and wrote: ‘there’s your tip!!!’ 

I want to see his fucking tip.

+1 dust ruffle

“Look, all I’m saying is, if you run the numbers, 3/5 is a reasonable compromise if you look at purchasing power.”

So you have a problem with Shaq’s endorsements of Icy Hot?

It’s easier and more plausible for people to envision society outright coming to an end than it is for people to envision a society with a different mode of economic production beyond capitalism.

I refuse to read that chain and I don’t post on Twitter, but has anybody pointed out that similar to his examples, whatever he’s paid by ESPN is definitely many times too much?

What strikes me is how many of the same people that regularly decry the dangers and evils of SOCIALISM — which they usually conflate with COMMUNISM in that they think everybody will get the same paycheck — and then without batting an eye will whine about how paying college athletes will ruin everything and would be a

If he wants to talk about sham endorsements, I really don’t think paying Peyton Manning like $10M a year for however many years now to run the same asinine inside-the-jingle ads we’ve all seen five hundred times is really providing much value to the company he’s shilling at all. There’s an entire industry of grift out

This is so stupid. He’s saying free market price but the describing a theoretical price that HE IS COMING UP WITH and saying it’s too high.

I switched to Liberty Mutual because they put a fucking emu in their advertisements. Not because they have a great product and helped me save money

Oh no! Not sham endorsements!

I know these media people are paid to carry water, but there are so many others who just cannot possibly conceive this world where college athletes get paid.

Endorsements help educate consumers, and sham endorsements short circuit that process. For example, I was once a State Farm customer, because family is important to me and it came through how important family was to the Paul twins (Chris and Cliff). But I switched to Nationwide because I value creativity, and the