
"We didn't bring Sam in here to be a chip. I'm the only 'chip' here." - Chip Kelly, always yuks

The only players people should worry about going on vacation in Arizona and never coming back are Louis Vasquez and Manny Ramirez.

You definitely do not want to "spend the weekend" there after a few blounts.

"That was fun for a minute."

Pft, kid is 18. Two minutes at most.

Sounds like someone is going to get a five minute major high sticking tonight...

Bees that are endangered, and responsible for both honey and citrus. Things that are good.

Sorry honey bees that pollinate 90% of blueberry, cherry, avocado, and orange crops...we have an exhibition game between the Angels and Royals to play!

Um, I think Drew said the opposite of what you think he said.

i was there at the same time as an underage devin harris when cops came through. he was safely whisked into a back room. i was not afforded the same courtesy

because in 85+ years nothing awful has happened. Sightlines are much better too.

Iowa's Adam Woodbury actually does this. It's the next step after eye poking.

None of them were able to catch the loose ball. Unfortunately, this probably ends their dream of playing for the Packers.

Every UW student practices that by trying to walk out of the Kollege Klub at bar time.

It'd be nice if they'd retire 'sucking their own dick'. Not because it's annoying or anything, but just because I want to know what the plaque would look like in Monument Park.

No arguments from Clint Malarchuk:

Now all they need is an unimaginative offensive coord-wait

I believe you mean, Rex Ryan plus a turnover prone quarterback PLUS a past-his-prime running back who's not happy to be there.

Rex Ryan plus a turnover prone quarterback? Nothing can go wrong!