
"I didn't know what they were"

If ESPN is going to show all the silicone quarterback gold diggers its only fair they show Michael Sam and his boyfriend in what appeared to me to be only genuine moment of draft. Except a couple of the 1st round Goodel hugs.

I will not judge Michael Sam, just like I will not judge Mr. McCoy's parents for naming him after the amount of beer they went through the night he was conceived.

I bet the guy with the handle "12 years a boko haram" is a real blast at parties

"I mean, it was a pretty controversial moment. An interracial couple?!? Wow, no thanks!"

These people should be ashamed of themselves. Watching the seventh round of the NFL Draft on a perfectly good Saturday evening!

It'll get very confusing if Mike Sam plays Will.

Can't wait for next deadspin post reposting all the most ignorant tweets....go get 'em and blow up their feeds

Can't wait to read the FCC complaint letters next week! It's gonna be (for lack of a better word) FABULOUSSSSSS!

He just kissed his boyfriend on live TV, so I fully expect conservative America to lose their shit.

"You first-namers are losers"

"Can someone give me a ride? Up front this time, please."

Such number of airplanes is symbolic. 70 aircraft participated in this military parade to commemorate the liberation of Sevastopol, which had been seized by Nazi troops and was redeemed by the Soviet Army on that very same day exactly 70 years ago.

Quite apropros, the video was cut short when Britt dropped his phone.

I can think of naan worse. I pita the poor folks who can't see through their cognitive biases…

NFL won't suspend players for drunk driving, spouse abuse, and a whole host of other illegal things but pot...POT. NFL is so fucking regressive.

Lies Donald Sterling will tell to get over: Big penis, gift of flight, not a racist.

Dear God this makes me hate Dan Snyder even more. It's like he's trying to get all us skins fans to hate him. Arrington IS a Redskins great, he was one of like two good players on the team for about a five year period. Watching Arrington light up running backs and make athletic interceptions were the only highlights

The romantic pull of Ronnie Raygun still woos our leadership's lonely hearts.

There's only one thing wrong with this map and no one has mentioned it yet. Apparently, the Asian and "other" populations completely disappear for 100 years before magically reappearing.