
She misunderstood "Colin Cowherd" for "Callin' fer Cow Turds" so really there was no mixup

To stand around and watch drunken, shirtless, jort wearing dipshits run in circles while getting chased by dudes in khakis with walkie talkies? I know that's why I took up the game as a youngster.

While I agree that there are still too many idiots running onto the field , things are WAY better than they once were, when the entire stadium would occasionally pour into the field, and players would literally fight their way to the safety if the clubhouse. That seems to now be reserved for college sports.

Security: You know, they never rush the field in a downpour.

"Obviously I don't condone violence or want to inflict any pain on anybody,"

Portlandia is hit or miss, but when it's good it's one of the best shows on TV. I remember having to do a double-take when I saw LaMarcus and Penny Marshall together in that skit.

Wouldn't that just accelerate the blaze?

Free Speech Night is off to a rousing start.

Too bad Brian McCann's a Yankee. The Braves could've really used a wet blanket.

As a middle eastern person, i am sad to say I laughed hard at this.

Eh, in Atlanta we've always had issues with flags

I choose to believe that the explanation is all cheese-fries and the occasional ballpark hot dog.

Ahh you beat me to it. Well played, sir.

I bet that's what As fans said last year. But seriously though it is remarkable.

Please keep these coming. Who knows how much longer we'll be able to enjoy moments like these?

The Dodgers have acquired Big Boy for a "unique performance character" to be named later.

As a Darren Rovell fan, I understand you're joking, but I'm getting sick of all these PFTCommenter fanboys circle-jerking their idiot "humor" at the expense of erudite sports-marketing minds like Rovell. People forget that Rovell led the #Brands to three straight World Series of ad revenue, and the Final Four of

Meanwhile, for their World Cup theme, Qatar has already selected Chopin's Piano Sonata No. 2.

The best part about being a guy with a shaved head in South Florida is that all you need to get into any club in South Beach is big pair of sunglasses, a Men's Wearhouse sport coat, and a sixer of Bud Light.

Derek the UConn RA is an ass. "[Y]ou're cheering for laundry." Dude, some of that laundry occasionally shows up for my International Business class. And one time that laundry said "hey" to me when I gave him his change from the cafeteria doing work study. I like laundry a lot more than the guy who is asking me to