Geez, with that salad, he looks like he has an equal shot at being on the Minnesota Hockey Hair team as the Jays’ MLB roster.
Geez, with that salad, he looks like he has an equal shot at being on the Minnesota Hockey Hair team as the Jays’ MLB roster.
SSacramento gets fricking HOT. It's like being in Phoenix, but having a piece of paper to fan yourself with.
RIP Boxer
Sacramento is just Phoenix with the heat dialed back just a couple of degrees and decent wine.
Wait, isn't that the guy from Matchbox 20?
What is Mauritius?
Qatar is the only real answer, isn't it?
+ 4 bottles of whiskey and three muskets
Don't feel too badly - it's better to be unaware of some things in this world.
Man, this summer sucks. First, no Sharknado sequel, and secondly, no Zodiac Motherfucker.
His legacy will always be that he's the idiot who missed a PLAYOFF GAME because of a drone injury, and still somehow thinks he's smarter than everyone else.
Jump on the Twins bandwagon!
Kate was pretty amazing in Transsiberian as well.
Carl is every Giants fan I’ve ever known. It’s uncanny.
Robert Swift is rock bottom.
Which he modeled after John Randle.
You are correct! John Randle was fined at least once for "excessive eye black."
I live in the East Bay, and know a number of Raiders fans. Most of them are excited that they have another excuse to go to Vegas now. My favorite is when I question how they can still be fans of a team that has now abandoned their city twice, and they tell me about the importance of “loyalty.” Uh huh...
Geez, you should almost skip the Jets WYTS next year - this is just too easy.
Shit, Ken O’Brien was better than Sanchez.