The way it is now, too many important historical events are glossed over or even straight ignored because there is too much historical content to cover in too little time. So adding Sports History, beyond Jackie Robinson et. al, would be silly.
The way it is now, too many important historical events are glossed over or even straight ignored because there is too much historical content to cover in too little time. So adding Sports History, beyond Jackie Robinson et. al, would be silly.
Wait wait wait - there was someone under the age of 65 living in Boca Raton?
Howard Dean approves of this tactic.
I’m not a Patriot fan, but I propose they bring back those uniforms with the original helmet:
Well, yeah, for sure. But, I’m guessing it wouldn’t have been as bad had Chris Paul been there.
RE: Buster Scruggs - I want an expansion on the opener - a feature-length western themed musical that is brutally violent. I’d watch the shit out of that.
Come on - you forgot the best Sixto!
My wife is out of town this weekend, and I plan on doing two things:
One could argue that attempting to deal with the Pelicans/Hornets has been the most damaging thing to the Lakers in the past decade, between this and Chris Paul.
Rutgers has been horrible since he left, at least.
Dude, that’s fantastic. My high is only 250 or so - I’m totally jealous.
I think I found his wallet:
The longest punt in Super Bowl history! Hard to forget that.
Winners, or whiners?
Of course, it's not the same in every way, but the common theme is lack of 2nd Half adjustment.
Edelman had a nice game, but I don’t understand how someone from the Patriots defense - Hightower, especially - wasn’t the MVP.
Indeed - it was a performance reminiscent of another offensive minded whizkid just a couple of years ago:
Wait wait wait - Ratto is writing for Deadspin now?! Fantastic! We need a sarcastic old guy to balance out all of these sarcastic young people.
The worst people were winning no matter what, anyway:
The one thing that we all (meaning non-Patriots fans) had going for us is that they had given us eight really good Super Bowl games.