
Nor my El Nino wrestling tights.

It’s of a certain avian variety.

Sorry, but when I see his collars, all I can think of is Goodfellas.

That’s the best part. Waffles, mimosas, football on Sunday mornings.

This clears the road - LeBron as the first player/GM?

True. And those NFL London games are easier to take I’m sure, too.

Counter-counterpoint - no hurricanes, no polar vortexes, and 99.9% of earthquakes don’t even wake you up.

Agreed. Divine retribution for that messiah complex as well.

If you can’t beat us, join us! The weather is fantastic, the produce and wine are as good as it gets, and rarely do I stay up past 10:30 on a work night watching sports.

Unlike Heimlich, MLB teams had enough restraint to say, “no, I’m not touching that.”

Gawd, that was awful.

I think he’ll bite off more than he can chew.

Beat me to it!

God, I wish all of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania had watched that prior to November 2016.

(Preparing to dust off those old 3-1 jokes)

I want that video put to Yakkety Sax.

I heard an interesting theory on the radio this morning - JR Smith forgot which side of the court he was on, and had LeBron (and others) not been yelling at him, he would’ve kept going until the whistle blew for a back court violation.

Didn’t the Cavs try that with Kendrick Perkins? That didn’t work out well for them.