You’re entitled to your incorrect opinion
You’re entitled to your incorrect opinion
I used to work for a plumbing supplier nd most of them have more work than they can handle. Dealing with giant greaseballs is no fun at all.
Remind me to skip the bland-ass 90/10 burgers at your cookout.
Eat some 90/10 chili, then some 80/20 (or lower) and get back to me.
Good ol’ Bagpipe Bill Bar too, according to John Oliver last night. Fucking fascist bootlicker was bringing cops coffee during the Vietnam War protests. There is only one solution: beat racists’ asses now and save the future!
They both deserved a beating. If someone beat the living shit out of Bill Rehnquist when he was doing this same racist republican crap in 1962, maybe George W. Bush and Orange Fuckface would have never been able to steal their illegitimate presidencies, hundreds of thousands of people would not have been murdered by…
Whatever you do, skip any gathering that is planning on having ‘people from both sides.’ Election night is Sherman’s March. Reconstruction *fingers crossed* starts in January. Tensions will be high, chill in a space where no one is going to actively make it worse.
All I can say is wow. That was really hard to read. While I certainly can’t understand your experience, I have watched people very close to me go through cancer battles, so I did see the incredible struggles they experienced. I am truly sorry to read this, and I hope you have the best possible outcome.
I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in my early 30s, after a solid year of begging for a colonoscopy and being unable to get anyone to sign off on it.
If you’re experiencing any symptoms of all, start being loud.
I’m female; we know from studies that doctors *regularly* ignore the pain of females. I lost…
My brother is 40 and just got diagnosed with Stage 3 colorectal cancer. They are going to have to surgically remove his entire butthole, for life. No colon cancer in our family and genetic testing showed no known genetic predispositions, apparently just got “unlucky”. It is real. If you are having gastric pain or…
The solution I was given tasted absolutely fine mixed with Gatorade. My gastro told me to mix it with a specific flavor and it was smooth sailing.
Look, I’m still recovering from the trauma of seeing Obama in that tan jacket.
He knows exactly what he’s doing: distracting from the 1.2 million new unemployment filings announced this morning
I like to think of his Tweets as “Exhibits A through ∞.”
On January 21, 2021, President Biden needs to roll a wheelbarrow full of Dump’s executive orders out into the Rose Garden and light that shit on fire.
We would be if there weren't so many people in this country who want to suck on it.
I think we’re kinda lucky he’s so bad at hiding what an asshole he is.
It’s more like 1-3 pieces a week, especially from charities I never signed up for, like the previous reader commented. They all have my personal information so I have to open and shred them all. Not to mention I work night shift and I’m constantly awoken by telemarketers during the day.
Those three or four pieces of mail, seven or eight emails, really add up when you're on multiple donor lists—and lists for charities you haven't even signed up to support, simply because your info has been sold to them. The phone calls are the most invasive.
I get tired of the scammy "charities" that ask to pick up clothing and household goods. We gave to one and suddenly we're on the list for about 5 organizations that will "have a truck on your street" sometime this month. Checked up on them and only one appears to be a legit charity, the others are fronts for a…