
How about “We close at 10 PM, but we strictly stop taking orders at 9:45 PM, NO exceptions”?

How many servings does this recipe make?

During the same length of time in office, Trump has signed 176 executive orders and Obama signed 134.

Excellent explanation! I was an Area Manager for one of the biggest mortgage lenders in the country for 14 years, from 1993 to 2007. When we were overwhelmed with business and our pipeline was bloated, we raised our rates incrementally until we reduced or new originations to a manageable volume. We had to help our

I hated Nixon’s guts and still do. I treasure an original copy of my local newspaper that reads in giant headlinesNixon Resigns!”. I think Trump is worse, he’s intentionally fucking over the entire World in order to make himself feel better about how pathetically insure he is.

I’m neither lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender; I’m an old, straight, white dude. I wouldn’t eat at a Chick-fil-A if every one of the butt-chomping owners family (Dan T. Cathy) were waiting on me hand and foot, and paying me to be there. First, because they are a bunch of Godless homophobes, and second, because

I mean seriously, how bad has someone’s life been when, at 66, you see a black person and your mind says “you know what you should do? You should go up to him and ask if he’s from Africa.” <-This, 1000 times, this!

I’m a 70-year old, gray-haired, white, “used-to-be biker”, I wouldn’t go into that shithole even if they were selling half-priced Rolling Rock beer and 25 cent hot wings.

Republicans would have lynched Obama from a big oak tree on the White House lawn for this.

He looks like he was the Captain of The Pie Eating Team.

I hate their food. I don’t know what the hell they’re selling over there at Chick-fil-A, but it sure ain’t chicken. Wait a minute- - - there appears to be far fewer pigeons in the neighborhood since Chick-fil-A opened!

Stale, wet Cheetos, and English Leather. . ..

Gonna lose mah jerb to own the libtards.

The key to winning for Gillum, is for you and others who intend to vote, help less fortunate, and less able people get out to vote. Thanks!

I’d give my entire lifetime savings ($4,235,788.52*) to keep Gruden off of NFL broadcasting; I can’t take the sound of his voice!

I’ve had ptomaine poisoning (food poisoning) twice, both times from the same place, both times from the same thing (a tuna sub). Yes, I’m partially to blame for returning to the same place and ordering the same thing, although the two incidents were nine months apart. I never reported either of the incidents to the

“I’d have just shot the fuckers 2 or 3 times in the back, as they were running away.”

Down here is Lower, Slower, Delaware, RAPA is king (it’s made here), but there are other local brands that are pretty damned good. Scrapple: Everything, but the oink!

I’m stealing your comment for my own. Just lettin’ ‘ya know in advance. Thanks!

She didn’t marry him for hi$ language skill$.