
I’m guessing that they must have done a lot of editing, VFX and other post production stuff during the strikes since it releases in six months isn’t a lot of time to finish a Marvel movie after it’s done shooting. 

Final Destination teaches us that yeah sure that could happen but death could also come for you standing in the shower. Do you want to die flying through the air at 100mph or wet and naked in the bathroom?

what point of failure? you are not actually riding the broken tracks at all you are just in a cart that is raise above the real 1-piece track.

Seems like there’s enough there. It’s a minimal graphical upgrade and comes with a new game mode that, by my count, has at least three separate articles discussing.

They’re probably WEBPs

That’s great to hear, as they are the beating heart of the show.

I think they got like half way into making Starfield and realized they kinda didn’t want to. Like it seemed like a good idea but then it ended up just not being any fun. And they all wanted to just go and work on a new Elder Scrolls game but couldn’t because they already spent so much money. So they ended up

Why is the article randomly negative toward MacFarlane? His comedy isn't my style and I'm not a fan of anything he's done (except the first Ted), but he's pretty successful and seems like an okay guy. He also has a really good singing voice hahaha

You mean during development? Why would they take the time to record terrible voicework they intend to replace later when they could just press the button for text to speech? One is a button press and one is the guy from the mail room’s time plus the sound engineer, editor, director’s time. Text to speech is a great

That’s why we don’t have one, every game we’d play on XBsX is on PC as well and the PC versions are almost infallably superior if you have the hardware (which we do).

I think his point was that if a studio actually hired VAs to do every single line for every single iteration until the final one was determined, that level of volume would run into the millions.

Gonna get the mailroom guy to record 12,000 lines? Because it wasn’t just those 8 lines, they surely started with every single line recorded by text to speech and then replaced by the final audio as it was recorded.

Yet another illustration that game design and aesthetic is more important than raw power or graphic quality.

I’ve thought about this a lot (the art illiteracy of gamers) and I’ve never seen it put better than “they see games as fun content-delivery toys.”

shame they don’t spend their resources on something worthwhile.  The same babies whining about the battery life of the DualSense are going to continue to whine about the battery life no matter what, because its not really about the battery life.

I think it happening later hurts the story (same reason why people’s suggestions of fleshing out the flashbacks into a new middle season doesn’t work).

The Part 2 twist will definitely not be as controversial on TV. Audiences of every other narrative medium other than games have long gotten used to that kind of story. The Red Wedding was a decade ago. People will get over the shock by the next morning.

Yes, but also Joel is in it quite a bit and they’re absolutely going to lean hard on flashbacks to tell the story. Plus at least half the story is Abby, and Kaitlyn Dever is definitely proven and can carry that half of the series.

Joel is in TLOU2 more than you’d think. There are quite a few flashbacks that will include him which are pivotal to the narrative. That being said I think Bella definitely proved her chops as she portrayed the attitude, vulnerability, and naivety of Ellie perfectly. It’ll be on her and Kaitlyn Dever (as Abby) to

I’ve never understood how so many people have an issue with the battery. Even my longest gaming sessions are 4 hours at most. I couldn’t imagine playing 6 or longer non stop.