
no, i-i fell...and h-hit a doorknob... my husband always says...i’m so clumsy.

interstellar definitely needs a broad imax re-release this year for its tenth anniversary. 

i don’t know about that. the comic sort of rushes through things too quickly for my taste. the show’s choice to give mark more time with his dad *before* his dad betrays him makes the betrayal hit all the harder. in the comics, invincible isn’t even really a superhero before his father leaves. in the show, we get to

yep, the tech for VR goggles has definitely arrived. the most basic games on PSVR2 are stunning in the goggles’ 4K OLEDS. unfortunately all of the triple-A games, such as GT7 and Resident Evil Village, are rife with compromises, with faked high frame rates, aliasing, an below high definition resolutions. all of that

the won’t cut the price, unfortunately. the cost of the bespoke oleds in the headset mean that it’s probably not even profitable for them as it is. you are more likely to find a discount on the second hand market. i know a lot of people are selling them after tiring of GT7 and the Resident Evil VR games. 

PSVR2 also lacks a major system-selling game”

sounds interesting—i didn’t play BG 3 because the main character’s design was off-putting. i didn’t want to play the entire game as some sleazy looking bald guy. but if these devs can assure me that the main character in this one is different, i might check it out.

and weirder still, is that he often only uses their faces, and then has a voice actor deliver their lines separately. at least with his non-actor pals.

it may help better support psvr2, which is an excellent piece of equipment that is, at the moment, utterly bottlenecked by the platform itself. 

....yeah, i agree?

what do you think “semblance of a fair trial” means? do you think i mean a fair trial?

as much as i believe the tate bros. are guilty, i equally believe romania is a corrupt hellhole and at the very least they deserve the semblance of a fair trial.

you are a numpty. 

you don’t get it—NO ONE deserves to be harassed. if you don’t like a game, developer, publisher, board member, shareholder, etc... don’t support them.

it’s because nerd culture entered the mainstream. and the mainstream is full of low culture, media illiterate people who are prone to fanatical thinking.

it’s hardly generic, as deserts go, and certainly not cheap to film there. 

i think they did this in order to differentiate it from all of the stories, like Avatar, that it has gone on to influence. a faithful adaptation of Chani is basically just Neytiri, and i’m not sure that would cut it in this day and age.

the regrettable fact is that after the first Dune novel, the books... kinda aren’t great? they have great major plot beats, broadly speaking, but in the moment to moment they fall far short of the original. like, it was clear that Herbert was struggling the move forward with the story, given how clunky and gnarled the

this comment doesn’t surprise me. readers here can’t seem to wrap their heads around how a portal is primarily for families—it frees up the tv and lets kids treat the ps5 like the switch. 

it was the last straw! straight to the priory for alyssa!