
My guess is March just like the original switch; that was a HUGE success

Super Switch would be fun. 

If that’s the case, it’s about time we got Selects games again. I’ll happily pay $20 or so for Pikmin 3 and Tropical Freeze again...definitely worth it for that price compared to the absurd $60 price tag for WiiU ports (no matter how Funky the Switch encore for Tropical Freeze was)

Thanks! Never heard of that cunt or his organization.

Depending on how large it is, there is a decent chance someone may have even brought it up and it was ignored. 

I am a bigger WW2 buff than most and I had no idea it meant that. I feel like if you aren’t a Nazi then it doesn’t mean that.

1000% on the callout of the fucking cheapest, shittiest, hackiest impulses of these braindead dickbags making edgelord horror crap.

Some people just LOVE their Astarion... Some a bit TOO much.

Or even bother loking at the cited work. There’s a frickin page of movies above Bone in the Throat, including The Full Monty.

“Was almost lifelike.”

Does anybody use their phones for web browsing anymore? It seems like the novelty wore off after the first batch of pop-up ads and “wow, you just clicked on this site but we bet you’d love to give use your email until the heat death of the universe” notifications.

Had two monitors for a couple years, but it felt like I was at the office when I was home. Gave it to a friend since one was curved and one wasn’t. Both 32inch 1440p 144hz. Kept the curved one.

As for GPU’s I usually stick pretty mid-tier Ti’s/Supers every other generation. And I like to gamble on used, and haven’t

I’m sorry, but this is a *horrible* take, in so many ways.

The degree to which people on Twitter just do not give any degrees of fucks is one of the best things about it.” - a welcoming home to racists, nazis and homophobes, but hey, I can watch a ripped off copy of Spider-Man or Blue Beetle.

In the same way that

In the same way that watching a really good or crowd-pleasing movie in theaters or with friends at home gives you a sense of community, the same is true for watching movies on Twitter

The fact that you posted this without being hugely embarrassed itself is hugely embarrassing.

The best parts of Boba Fett were the two standalone Mandalorian episodes that got shoved into the middle of it, so like you, I’m having trouble seeing who the audience is for more Book of Boba Fett.

I’d be down for more, and I theoretically can’t be the only one.

I just can’t imagine there’s much of an appetite for more Boba Fett.

“One side has all the guns” is a comforting stories conservative keyboard warriors tell themselves. 

Well, based on Uvalde i’m going to say not many once they find out the other side can shoot back.