
I guess you must not be a B-tier actor because that’s a fucking shitty opinion right there, wanker.

Didn’t need a fourth, fifth or sixth either.

I don’t see how it’s controversial to say that there are tragic civilian casualties on both sides of this conflict while acknowledging that neither Hamas nor Israel’s extremist, totalitarian government are the good guys.

Perhaps the world doesn’t need a seventh Scream?

As much as he was a cranky old asshole adjusting that contract was still the right thing to do.

Israel is not a monolith that stands for all Jewish people and to suggest otherwise is anti-semitic. Try again asshole

Seems like reminding some folks that Palestinians are human beings too and deserve to live and have their human rights respected as well makes them think you’re a Nazi, huh?

If they ask Neve Campbell to come back after they told her to fuck off for Scream 6, she better be getting that bag.

Sounds like Neve Campbell is going to be doing Scream movies into her 60s, just like Jamie Lee is still doing Halloweens.

For the record, his son was dying at the time and he was scrounging up all the money he could to help him. He may be an asshat, but in context his motives in that case seem understandable. 

Hi. Professional audio engineer here. That looks like a dynamic mic, as it’s top address rather than side address. They don’t need a pop shield.

The problem with judging Filoni is that his hardcore fans keep giving him credit for other peoples’ work while his biggest critics keep giving him credit for other peoples’ work. Ultimately, this has given him a level of creative prestige he doesn’t deserve outside of his reliability as a consultant for better artists.

There’s magic in the books, but it doesn’t work according to any kind of clear system or taxonomy. It’s not D&D magic, where there are clearly defined categories of spells and incantations. And there are no “magicians” or “wizards” of any kind — there are maesters, but they’re more akin to scholars or natural

He has no kids, and he married his longtime (30+ years) domestic partner Parris McBride precisely so none of his relatives would be able to claim financial or creative control over his intellectual property. (This was after Steig Larsson’s longtime girlfriend Eva Gabrielsson got screwed out of the Girl With The Dragon

It turns out that the Tolkien-istic stuff was what made the genre interesting anyway. 

Speaking from the perspective of one of the three people on Earth without a podcast, this doesn’t seem remarkable at all.

As I’ve said before, Neil Gaiman’s “George R.R. Martin is not your bitch” is absolutely a given. But as a reader, I am not George R.R. Martin’s bitch either, and just because I enjoyed the first three books in ASoIaF over twenty years ago it doesn’t mean I’m obligated to read any of the newer books, any more than

I think y’all just need to realize that he’s going to die without finishing it and some other author will be brought in to go through his notes, finish it, and make it publishable.

And then many of y’all will always be wondering or saying how much better it would have been if he had finished it instead of the other

They’re saying that he was let go because his focus on the for-profit arm of OpenAI threatened to impede their non-profit goals of safe and equitable AI for everyone. If this is true then it is possibly a good decision for him to be pushed out, but one must always be wary of the legitimacy of altruism within

While common sense would dictate CEOs be treated like any other employee, most companies enter into a contract with their CEO. The golden parachute is often include as a way for the company to part ways early with said CEO. So to dismiss without said compensation would most likely lead to a very lengthy legal battle.