
Fuckin absolutely bonkers that this awful, stupid shit comes back up like this. I lurked KiA for a while just out of morbid curiosity and it really was a collection of some of the dumbest, most reactionary idiots around. I still remember when they treated Gamasutra (RIP that old name) and its press release section

We really do live in a time of diminished personal accountability.  “I’m sorry that he got hurt.”  He didn’t “get” hurt.  YOU HURT HIM.  

This looks like a fake movie that you would see on TV in another movie

Huh, i visit PC Gamer every day and i’d have guessed they had quite a few women working there. But according to their staff page out of 25 people only 4 are women (16%). That is quite low. None of them appear to be in senior positions either.

I recall the review being "it's basically fine!" and audiences responded accordingly

This was a beautiful, well crafted film with a rote, garbage story made from scenes and story beats strung together from other, better films.

don’t take things too personally my friend. Also, go rent the movie digitally and watch it at home. 

i did not know this movie came out. i remember seeing a trailer and that was it.

Identity politics: the clamoring of affluent, upper-middle class types for greater access to board rooms, positions, privileges, etc., on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, etc. That is what the author’s reference to “representation” means in this context.

Man both of those tweets have monumentally bad takes.

The armor unlock system is a great addition to the game. But he’s mad because it means he can’t unlock everything day 1 by reaching max level and it’s a bit more spread out(but in an order chosen by the player)

Item carry-over is the best idea they’ve had in ages,

I’ve resigned myself to the fact that the kids today like super hero skins more than army skins, but this thing is so over-the-top bad (along with the Diablo skins) that it makes the game less fun to play.

“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”

The reality is that exploration is really the only selling point for Bethesda’s games. Their writing is bad, the quest design is bad, gameplay mechanics are dated, and the characters usually aren’t very interesting.

One of many issues.  It just feels so dated and not a current gen game at all beyond some niceish textures.  The conversations are just ancient.  I’ve played free visual novels with more dynamic conversations than Starfield’s.

I definitely don’t think that the ‘women don’t judge men’s bodies’ thing is true in any way. 

Starfield honestly lacked the charm of skyrim or fallout. I think it was mainly an issue in how you traveled. It was all insta-teleport which removed most of the exploration wonder that it could have been.

That one would be funny.  The first one would be par for the course. 

Or re edited to have George Clooney appear in the end.

Yeah, its estimated to have cost somewhere between $60 to $80 million. Can’t this movie make more than $30 million at the box office + home video + streaming? What am I missing here?

I despise Elon Musk and all he touches, but this isn’t really a ding against Tesla, IMO. So long as you are extracting value from what you have purchased, depreciation is a purely academic concern. If you pay price X for a car, and own it for years Y, is the value of X divided by Y an acceptable rate to pay for having