
I’m gonna get raked over the coals for this, but I think some characters look too much like the show. What I mean is that they don’t look like someone tried to adapt the design of the characters to live-action, but like people cosplaying as the character from the comic. Take Ozai for example - that facial hair is

That’s a low bar, lol

Its not like steamdeck excels at those huge games tho. People are more likely to play smaller indie games with a couple of the confirmed working well “big” games. 

Off-topic, but fuck Jim Spanfeller


Love that. I just made a post 5 minutes ago (idk if it’s approved yet), with my dream casting and guess who I had for Zelda: Sylvester Stallone.
And now I’m reading your post. Seems like the Stallones have some hidden fairy princess energy that speaks to certain souls.

I don’t think anyone anywhere would actually consider this a “space battle”. In order for it to be that I would say at least one of the combatants would have to actively be above the Kármán line or at least close to it (well above the 60k ft max limit that fighter jets operate in), not just their ordinance being

100% endorse. Remedy doesn’t feel like they should exist, and the fact that they do and keep getting to make weirder and braver stuff makes me endlessly happy.

Kind of a bummer to have this character with a prosthetic leg described as “lame” in any capacity.

Being able to exactly copy and counter someone’s fighting style is a totally bad ass power.

It's a very difficult power to film correctly. You need a talented martial artist to play the character and a really good stunt choreographer that can work in multiple styles that actually look different to the average TV viewer.  Then you need writers to actually include it as part of the story.  

They made promo shorts starting in 1965, well before the MTV style vids. They were long gone before the popular term but had much to do with creating the genre.

Standard-issue sugar daddy-ism. He seems mentally fine, and like plenty of other 80 year-olds probably appreciated the attention of a younger woman and doesn’t mind paying for it. $360k a year is nothing to him.

It’s also far more believable than the original film series’ having the apes fight in an uprising against human civilization at the height of its power.

Pricilla spent years promoting her relationship with Elvis as some great love affair so Lisa Marie probably bought into that. That was what helped build the brand, the myth and kept Pricilla in the limelight.

I hate to say yes, but... I generally agree with you. Reaction videos are some of the lowest creative bullcrap that exists, if even at ALL creative.

I fucking hate “reaction videos,” and have since their inception. Doing this for a war video adds a whole new layer of pathetic narcissism for clicks and attention.

It’s ... weird to me how a scene that was meant to be horrifying, obscene and a shocking moment of just how monstrous Omni Man was in Invincible, is played as some moment of cool violent punctuation in a video game. I do wonder how the MK art team don't suffer from PTSD making these things.

Do you use the new wavefront guided sclerals? My father has the same condition, and it was absolutely life changing vs the regular sclerals. Like seeing for the first time.

it isn’t good for nintendo. it only benefits this subculture. most people play smash bros. for a few weeks and forget about it.”

This. A bunch of people at a tournament playing a handful of copies of a game — if they’re even playing a retail game at all and not some modded PC version — doesn’t make Nintendo all that