
Its a community with an absurdly large amount of grooming, pedos and toxic attitudes compared to most things... fuck them.

if it were to sell tickets and have a monetized stream probably. 

People who play competitively don't treat it as hobby lol.

You’re an idiot. It has more to do with the fact that the optics around that franchise has become so bad, so notoriously toxic that Nintendo doesn’t want to be attatched to it.

Tbf only losers play Smash competitively. Also Nintendo gotta Nintendo. 

Nintendo has made it very clear they don’t want it to exist and designed the game in such a way that half the game’s content has to be disabled in order for it to be competitive in the first place

The surprise: this time it’s happening exactly the same.

i liked watching it in the moment, but it just felt like another MI movie. by the 7th go around you need to do a little more than just making it 20 minutes longer than the last one.

Bring back SPECTRE as the impersonal terrorist organization. I always found this to be far more dangerous.

Daniel Craig didn’t have the longest run of James Bond movies”

When ChatGPT could’ve been more readable in this summary, than the human who half-tried.

If WB had agreed to the strikers terms then it would be out, this delay is down to WB being assholes, I’m happy to wait until the strikers win

Disney has the money and cachet to hire some of the best lawyers in America. DeSantis is hiring right wing flunky friends as opposed to seeking out the best lawyers. It’s why Disney was able to pull a legal fast one by getting the outgoing board to sign over pretty much all its power over to Disney preventing the

Well they didn’t need to but had the right to, they just didn’t know what they were up against or really qualified as DeSantis clueless picks.”

Haven’t had any for years and years actually...

So you guys don’t have any editors or proofreaders at all, anymore?

Am I just tired or is this article a barely legible mess?

Shovel Warehouse taken? :P 

Because ShitGames was too on the nose.

‘GameMill’, how appropriate.