

Played a game of Splatoon 2 once with somebody named Swingin Dick. Good times.

Wait, you’re telling me I can’t make my Switch name ProFootballSacker, El_Kabong, RichAtRoulette, FantasticOcaInEcuador, BojackAssassin, CatchTheseMen, or GreatestEscapist?

This is fine. The rare mobile game I do play regularly is Golf Clash, but I’m always rolling my eyes when I get matched with an opponent from a clan called “Trump Is God” or “NeoTERFMasters” (ok, half a point for clever stupidity)

You say “immortalize,” but its wreckage will be in the exact same spot on the ocean floor long after this mod’s bytes have ceased to exist on any hard drive.


We’re all going to hell anyway.

It’s not a submarine.

The bottom of that ocean’s floor has no light, so white would reflect any other light source. In case you haven’t found out, that’s partially why they were able to find the wreckage of the sub on the sea floor.

Drus is a helluva drug.

Orange disappears as a color in just a few feet of depth, so as far as underwater searches go, it’s useless. But, yeah, if a submersible has to do an emergency surfacing, bright orange will stand out best against the blue sea. That’s why astronauts wear orange flight suits, in case they have to ditch during launch.

All the Home Improvement kid actors had names that sound like 19th century presidents.

He can’t, sounds like ZTB is a card-carrying MAGA conservative.

“I don’t know what happens when people get corrupted,” says former drug trafficker Tim Allen.

I think the most interesting part of this was seeing the average daily sales for Iron Lung. If I’m reading the chart correctly, the game sells about 80 copies a day on average. That means Iron Lung alone generates about $10k for the developer each month after Valve takes their cut. Throw in the dev’s other games and

The ocean floor is mostly white and cresting waves are also white. Therefore a white submersible would blend into the background like nothing else. Orange is also one of the most visible colors to the human eye and is also generally unnatural to its surroundings, especially against a white and blue background.

Seems like everyone that previously rode on the titan experienced communication problems, or became lost. Also the owner and company almost brag about using off the shelf stuff. It doesn't instill confidence that's for sure. Plus the engineer recommending surface scans of the hull, then being abruptly fired.  Way too

Look at that, this is what happens when you *don’t* cheap out on the submarine. You don’t get crushed like an empty beercan.

Pixar is lost

So every available new game except Bugsnax, gotcha.