
Sony done told us years ago that the Playstation 9 is gonna put spores in your brain so I mean, we got that to look forward to.

I think looking at the video game industry with heavy side eye for its business practices, hype machine, employee abuse, etc is a very good idea and an important thing to do. The recent spree of Kotaku stuff isn’t that. These read like “I am old and no longer find myself enjoying video games.” It sounds like you guys

Idk, I just get sort of tired of these hipstery, “Well I for one am NOT excited for the new consoles, so there!” takes. Like, cool, good for you? I guess I can consider the parade rained upon?

But this is arguably just the point we’ve reached in gaming. Not much is really going to match the jump from 2D to 3D. Now it’s mostly just eye candy like ray tracing rather than anything that transforms how you play games and I don’t think that has anything to do with whether or not the X1X and PS4 Pro had been

It can still be hard to get a hold of a switch at times.

Sorry but Demon’s Souls on PS5 sort of shatters this whole argument. As someone who’s had a PS4 Pro for a couple years, it’s absolutely mind-blowing. Youtube videos really don’t do any justice to the experience of playing a game with that level of detail and advanced lighting at a silky smooth 60fps. When I first

When the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X were released, I was not impressed. For starters, it was some PC-upgrade type bullshit! I bought consoles precisely to avoid having to upgrade every 3-4 years, but here both Sony and Microsoft were, dropping iterative improvements of the same machine only three years after the

the switch launch sucked ass, it was as bad as the current launches.

I know they’ve sold a lot of units—big techy launch things always have and always will—but there was no avoiding the fact that this month’s next-gen console launches felt a little...muted.

A nightmare scenario that also seems entirely plausible!

And like the mobile phone industry, uses a bunch of resources for little impact.

Get used to it, unfortunately. I’m willing to bet Microsoft’s plan is to try to have a new XBOX every 2 years from here on out- that way, those who subscribed to the All-in package can re-up and continue their delicious monthly payments to Microsoft indefinitely- just like the mobile phone industry.

Sony owns the movie rights, that’s it. The 2018 Spider-Man game is only PS exclusive because Sony published it.

You realize Spider-Man is literally owned by Sony right? So it kinda makes sense. That would be like being pissed Sony didnt get Master Chief as a playable MK character. 

I think he probably meant performance-wise.

Because of the lack of really any worthwhile exclusives, and the fact that I just like the xbox controller better, my MO last generation was to buy any cross platform games for the Xbox and mostly buy exclusives for the PS4.

I usually wait a year for a new console. Let them work out the hardware kinks and get the first real wave of great games starting in year 2. So I can’t wait for my PS5 come Christmas 2021.

I’m gonna play the waiting game regarding the PS5. I’m expecting bundles to be popping up in the next 6 months, just like I did with my PS4. I scored the GTAV/Last of Us bundle for $400 a year after the PS4's initial release. Otherwise I don’t need a new console at this time. And with games like Spidey Miles Morales


I was really looking forward to playing this.  It might have made 2020 just a tiny bit less awful.  The game arrives Monday.  I don’t have a clue how I’ll ever get a PS5.