
I mean, the whole idea of the Isu makes the idea of a big wolf with a saddle just kind of... normal.

Yeah, the scenes where you beat creatures like the Minotaur even clearly show you, the player, breaking off one of its horns, the horn glowing, and you “returning” it to its original form. As you walk away, the camera cuts down to show where the minotaur’s body was and there’s a sort of ashen/mummified corpse of a

So a giant wolf is too much, but this mount from Odyssey is OK?!

Sure, in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey you can fight a minotaur. But maybe that was just a story that was told so much it became a memory.

Zack, what if it’s not a giant wolf and it instead makes you a small assassin astride a normal sized wolf? Would that make you feel better?

let me know when you get to the very next sentence

Maybe it’s just me but Bluepoint games look better than most games in terms of the 4K visuals. There’s this vibrant uber sharp clarity to their games. It’s in Shadow of the Colossus and now it’s in Demon’s Souls. I don’t see other games reaching this intense sharp quality that pops on the screen. It looks almost

Bluepoint confirmed a while back that there was no new content.

I mean... it doesn’t look that different from the original. Souls games have never had much UI flair tbh

Tell a Souls fan that the remaster is incredibly faithful in terms of gameplay...and of course they’ll find something to complain about.

Demon’s Souls is easily my series favorite due to the sheer atmospheric tension and the haunting beauty of it all, soundtrack included. Other highlights, like the buildup to the first boss, the sudden ambush in the upper area of the castle, and the Old Monk fight seal the deal for me. I’m pleased as punch to hear

While my attitude is usually,“if you aren’t having fun, drop that shit immediately!”, I’m glad I stuck with Bloodborne past the first few tough hours. Once you figure out the progression rhythm, and you start “seeing” the patterns in enemy behaviors, it’s really addicting. It stops feeling grindy or “git gud,” and

Git gud is a lie. I’ve beaten every soulsborne FromSoftware and I remain terrible at each and every one of them. I just love the gameplay no matter how many defeats it takes me to progress.

I believe Game Pass Ultimate will cross PC and console. ($15/mo)

That’s the very stable genius’s problem.

While I agree, if the last four years have taught us anything it’s that the Constitution is merely a piece of paper with words on it. Its power is derived from people who choose to follow/ignore it.

Back in the day, rumor had it that when he was elected last time she re-negotiated the terms of the pre-nup. That it was part of what was going on while she stayed in NYC for Barron’s school year. It’s a little thing but one I would love to find out is true. Not that I have any love for Golddigger Birther Barbie.

The problem with that is that he, reportedly, has outstanding loans from some shady characters to whom pesky things like “laws” are just things to be ignored.

So if he goes to prison, what exactly does the Secret Service do? I’ve been wondering that ever since I saw someone mention it on Twitter.

The fight isn’t over. Everyone needs to now focus on the runoff Senate elections in Georgia. Without at least a tie in the senate, there’s no way Mcconnell will pass anything from biden or vote on any of his appointees. It’s the same play he made with Obama in office: refuse everything coming from the white house.