
Hey the meat computers that run us are weird and irrational. Can’t explain it at all.

exposure therapy does not help me at all. :(

Does exposure help this sort of thing? Purposely killing them rather than having others do it took my arachnophobia from pretty bad to just mild anxiety. 

I’m interested on how people will perceive the way the controller affects gameplay. It’s almost as if Sony figured out how to implement the giant Gamecube triggers on their controller which personally I really enjoyed.

The Series X/S’ biggest problem is also it’s biggest benefit: it’s not meaningfully different from the Xbox One. It’s just faster and prettier. I know that could ostensibly be said about any new console generation, but the change this time around doesn’t seem as immediately impressive. It doesn’t have any killer apps

I adored the first three Tomb Raiders - I used to watch a friend play I on his PS1 when I was in college, and it was the first game I bought when I finally got a PS1 as well. I about murdered my much younger sister who saved over my game after I spent hours hollering at that T-Rex.

Definitely, and I was thinking of Bayonetta, too. Those games really lean into the absurdity of their concept rather than shying away from it, and I love that. Platinum is good for that kind of thing, for sure.

I feel like Platinum Games still nails this, Bayonetta, Wonderful 101, etc all feel like the world is just as wild as the characters themselves and it all just fits. 

This right here is proper immersion. A fantastical world is fantastical, not grounded in realism. Realism =/= immersion

I agree with you here, and it touches on something that’s been bothering me for a while now. I miss the games where ostensibly normal characters were actually outright superhuman. They were normal in the context of their world, but the world was fucking nuts. I know that the vast majority of gaming protagonists are

I get that this is jokey, but it’s not like From is just sitting around saying “sure wish we could work on this game, but George still hasn’t told us what the deal is with that arm”

Fortunately Elden Ring seems a perfect match for someone who resists writing stories.

Holy fuck someone else remembers.

Neat. Now if they put the PC versions of 2 and 3 alongside 4 in GOG that’d be a great way to capitalize on this fan effort at literally no cost.

But hey, what do I know.

God, fuck konami.

My only prayer is that Biden wins. My second only prayer is that if he loses they won't stick Jim Carrey and Kate McKinnon up to do a mournful cold open.

Excerpt, Ken Burns’ The SNLVIL War (PBS 2020-2023):

I’m not surprised that this post brought out the usual “what’s so bad about being accused of sexually harassing your employees?” crowd. But I’m really loving the surprise angle of someone being suspicious that a guy who regularly covers fighting game community news is covering fighting game community news.

It says something...I’m not sure what, but whatever it is, it ain’t good...about Arc Systems that they’d hire someone whose professional reputation had sunk as low as Zaimont’s had. You’re just asking for a PR nightmare in that instance. Do they even have an HR department?