
It still highlights a critical flaw with streaming games. Even if you don’t care about ownership, preservation, rights and longevity you’re stuck with the simple reality that it takes significantly more hardware to run. So, unlike other media streaming you can’t just “add more servers” within a few hours, or day in

Wait wait wait... I certainly don’t have nice things to say about streaming games, but I had no idea there’s queues if too many people try to play at once. And this is supposed to be the future of gaming that people are willing to sacrifice physical media and ownership for?

Mediocre people who somehow manage to fail their way upwards. Much like any corporate business.

As someone that was burned by Halo 5 this bums me out. It was my least favorite Halo and I’m glad they’ve been able to fix and improve MCC. Infinite was my hope that they’d get it right but all these stories of director’s leaving and with the recent delay, it’s hard to get excited.

The white units will never not look like a mistake.

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It’s....on the side with the bottom lol :)  I’m more curious what will happen in the long run with the one between the speakers honestly lol. 

It has feet on the side.  You should have no trouble finding how to set it.

Ari: you are going to melt your Switch like that XD All the heat of the series x get push out from the top which is now directly on your Switch on that setup.

Thanks for the better pictures this time. Yesterdays were a bit tough to figure out what was going on in the first two. 

Forgive me if I’m wrong here, but aren’t the vast majority of third party Switch games ports from other systems?

Remember the Impulse Triggers on the Xbox One controller? Anyone remember how often they got used, despite how wicked cool they felt? I can count the number of games I played that took advantage of them on one hand.

Granted, the previous Alien game was a dumpster fire for the ages, so who can really blame them for having a knee jerk reaction?

That would be good for the consumer, but that’s unfortunately not what motivates these companies.

Fifa and PES are two tired franchises. Nothing justify the yearly full priced releases anymore.

Weirdly enough, while I am a total wuss when it comes to horror games and horror movies, I had almost no issue with RE7. It’s definitely tense in the beginning (and generally whenever you had to evade one of the family members), but there was something about it that softened the blow. Maybe it was how human the family

It’s 1998. I just pieced together a new PC at the start of my first year at grad school. Just moved into a new apartment, my roommate hasn’t arrived, and all i have is a mattress, a desk, and a chair- it’s a barren, depressing, and slighty creepy little place that has yet to feel homey.

It’s hard to speculate on exactly how this was achieved, there are many, many different optimization paths to reducing load times, but I strongly suspect why this was achieved is they want to demo this game running on PS5 with effectively 0 load time, and the raw performance improvements of the new architecture

I doubt it’s the compression system, as on PS5 it’s hardware based and the Jaguar on the PS4 would scream bloody murder.

It’s kind of shocking that they wouldn’t mention that in the patch notes considering the magnitude of the improvement. 

Interesting info!