
pics or it didn’t happen:

It doesn’t take long to look at the sea of thousands of essentially viewerless streams and figure out that real streamers aren’t just gamers playing games they like, they are entertainers. The experience of watching an entertainer play a game is totally different from the experience of playing the game yourself. I

The difference here is that these streamers also act as adverts for these publishers’ videogames, down to the absolutely awful games. These companies pay big bucks to these streamers to play their games sometimes, so publishers stand to gain a lot more than they lose. I also struggle to understand Mr. Hutchinson’s

Let’s be real here, yellow peril was rampant during that particular generation. It was deeply uncomfortable to witness that happening

Probably why he’s stuck working on a dead end like Stadia.

Wow, deeply weird that an Ubisoft creative director from back in their rampant sexual harassment wild boy days would have a flagrant yellow peril take. Just curious and curiouser.

That wouldn’t give them an estimate of the mass.

there is no such thing as negligible weight on a spacecraft

That “moment of inertia” method for assessing how much material they got is really neat.

This is impressive on so many levels. We’re getting better at this *space stuff*. It’s just a start, but it’s also important to better understand the different compositions of asteroids, so we can come up with effective ways to deflect the larger ones on a collision course with earth. Bennu itself in expected to hit

“You should have seen it! It had a huge foot, and sprayed gas out of its nostrils!” said the residents of Bennu.

There’s an easy solution here people. Stop buying 2k games.

I’m a 34 year old gamer married to a gamer whose entire social circle revolves around gaming.

Yeah, I’d like a political representative who understands-and shares-my world view. 

The answer is people want a representative who they can relate to.

If their hobby is video games, then why not? How is that any different than sharing a passion for hunting? Or following similar religious beliefs? Or the same sports team?

The point is that AOC is reaching out to a certain generation of voters who

People voted for George W Bush because he seemed like a guy you could have a beer with.

They are looking for the same thing they’ve always been looking for:
Someone relatable.

That’s why an overweight, white, greedy, narcissistic, racist, sexist, crooked, lying psychopath is currently the president.

I don’t like libel, so I checked every single word used here and I believe it is accurate.

Probably one who doesn't fight to strip them of healthcare and transfer their wealth to the super rich.

Kind of... People are looking for a politician who actually KNOWS what the hell people do and how to relate to them, what their needs are and what’s required to address them. The GOP probably still thinks of computers as using punch cards.

You look at this too... well... seriously. It’s not about her playing a video game that shows she’s a good politician. She’s making a connection to those viewers, by showing interest in something they enjoy. She’s showing that she’s a normal person, not some pompous elitist. And through that, she’s more easily able to

There are certainly more inane and completely irrelevant reasons to earn someone’s vote.  /shrug