
Fine by me. I’d rather the actors get paid properly for their work and likenesses than getting my shiny thing on time. 

theres tens of thousands years of history in Star Wars. its needs a retooling not a reboot. just pick a new era and go from there. time is a circle in the Star Wars universe anyways. it wouldnt be out of the question that a plucky kid from nowhere mets a scoundrel and go on adventures to save a princess from any era

“Jim Morrison said a monthly payment on Jeep’s Wrangler 4xe…can be as low as $399”.

If only I trusted in Ridley Scott’s taste in movies at this point. Slamming Blade Runner 2049? C’mon.

Yesterday the AVC published an article calling Scorsese an out-of-touch, overrated old dude. Now they publish this praising his career. What a junk heap this site has become.

I’m sure the women who previously feared working with Roiland were totally cool with him once the charges were dropped.

(I hate to have to put this here, but... /s)

Pretty much in every state you don’t have to have justification to be fired, so you can tell your friend to grow up and act like an adult. You don’t have to commit crimes to be fired as well, and you also don’t get to escape accountability of your words and actions just because they didn’t rise to a criminal level.

The complaint about Starfield is that BGS has failed to really innovate or push things forward for over 20 years, hell even the engine is unchanged.  And in other ways, they have actually moved backwards (proc gen, one of the dumbest ideas imaginable for their core gameplay loop).

its not that much different from its predecessor”

I'd disagree. I had no fun in Starfield. It was a great sleep aid though.

Seems doubtful. I think most of the fun and novelty of Futurama has long since been wrung out, but at least the premise is fairly open to continued revivals. Archer was arguably done by Season 4, and survived mainly by constantly reinventing itself, but even that’s spent now. Between the fact that it’s had a very

Apple+’s viewership is ANEMIC. Like, stock price affect-ingly bad. I think there’s a real chance they bail on the whole thing in the next 5 years.

In the game proper, Shinra attempts to recruit Cid for the Tiny Bronco and the rocket, and they end up essentially hijacking the rocket until Cloud and the party intervene, then get stuck in the rocket thanks to the automatic launch. That’s not the same thing as Shinra succeeding in recruiting Cid or him actively

We’re having strikes in Hollywood that would cost just as little as Kotick’s overall golden parachute to the companies and they still fought against it.

Every year you wonder: how can this new season live up to the previous one?

Yeah, evolution and organism aren’t good terms. I think it’s cool for what it is. Let it be a cool ai derived robot thing.

Believe it or not, early life on Earth was extremely simple as well! 

“I think when some people look at this robot they see a useless gadget,“ Kriegman said. “I see the birth of a brand new organism.”

An implosion at several Km down would turn a human body into smush which would have been washed away by the sea.There’s a video on Youtube somewhere which shows the effects of a high pressure implosion of pig’s organs etc. inside a diving suit. There’s just an almost liquid substance left - remember, all the cells in

Probably not much considering it was dragged through a few miles of ocean before being removed