
An experiment that took several days before will now be conducted in just an afternoon!

Maybe? I don’t know that a huge portion of either customer base is going to opt for expanded storage outside of traditional external drives. It’s insanely expensive for what amounts to a very small convenience of not having to move a game to the onboard storage.

Competition will be fierce for that sweet PS5 customer base, though. Selection will be high and prices will plummet.

Ya, but at least they will have competition against each other and will hopefully drive prices down. Samsung, WD, Seagate, Crucial, Intel (etc.) will all want a piece of that action. 

SuperGiant has such fucking amazing artists on their team, like those designs are wild and unique but not like supremely overworked if that makes sense? Like Athena isn’t extremely crazy in her design, you can feel her wisdom and the cute Boobo owl.

r/BoneAppleTea is leaking, apparently.

The last time a Kinja site got in someone’s bad graces over sex-related content, AJ Daulerio and Nick Denton lost their shirts.

It is, ironically, because of this article that I even got wind of, and am not able to play as a Goomba being wanked to climax.

I am willing to bet that Princess Peach has better lawyers than Hulk Hogan. 


From my understanding of it, “damage to the brand” can override fair use, and pornographic uses of (especially) family-friendly characters can qualify for “damage to the brand”.

I’m not going to link the game here

And the lewd Lord said upon Thy “Thou shall not use F5, nay thou shall set forth and ravage the wet cave of lewdness that is F95"

As is usual with these sort of things, this probably means they have plans for their own Mario hardcore xxx game.

Time to let the Streisand Effect do its job.

There’s a lot of fan fic too.

I can’t believe it’s taken this long to create the Bible IP and build the New Testament Universe.

Yes, yes, a sequel to the incredibly popular 2000s movie filmed in a weirdo language about a man who sacrificed himself to save all, James Cameron has been promising this for a while now.

Unfortunately, the torture porn aspect will be hard to pull off with Jesus, yuh know... being a space guost at this point. How they’ll stretch Thomas finger-banging Jesus’s spear wound into two hours, I dunno, but I’m sure churches will pack the benches and turn a profit anyway. The original Passion came out a year