
In addition to factors others have identified, sometimes the issue is risk mitigation. If the first run contains a flaw, for instance, you can correct it before the second run.

They aren’t a big company. All the factories that produce these things ar ein east Asia. They have to make their production orders waaaay out in advance, because there are only so many electronics factories in the world. A company the size of Analogue has to jockey for production time and materials purchases with the

Yeahhhh getting that sold out message at checkout was a very disappointing way to start the week, I hope they plan a second batch soon

I really doubt proofers these days are that detailed; they’re probably just checking his words and signing off on general grammar, structure, and story directions. A bunch of weird terms they never heard of during a period they know nothing might get passed on or get a half-ass treatment.

Octarok eyeball? Keese wing? Clearly not an error. I don’t know this author, but I think the words “poisonous liquid in the pocket of my tunic” are not very indicative of serious literature to me. Dunno how that gets missed by people who proofed it and thought some proper names in there were things they’d never heard

My first PS4 suffered from the common “random disc ejection” issue. Every PS4 I’ve replaced it with has had some sort of technical quirk. My current one doesn’t wake up from Rest Mode. I press the button (either on the controller or system itself) to turn it on and it just powers off completely. Then when I get it up

For the last freakintime: That thing you keep calling your PS4 is your microwave.

The gameplay we saw was running on a PC, actually.

I imagine the lower than expected graphics quality is because they want this to be an esports title that is played by a huge number of people on both PC and Xbox. Esports titles are never the best looking games because you don’t want to limit the game to a small set of players who can afford the best hardware.

Shiggy has a fair amount of power, but most of the time outside of questioning why such and such is the way it is, he rarely uses his clout. He’s not infallible and seems to realize this to a point.

During my time at the Mtl studio (a while back) I couldn’t believe the amount of productions that were canned based on the fact the they were set in a fantasy setting.

Playing it safe with making the blandest open worlds out there for years by now must have been a cause of concern, but I guess they were blind enough to not see the writing on the wall, or the profit margins peddled by the higher ups to investors.

In a previous article of Jason’s, apparently the reason Hascoet was so powerful was due to him being at Ubisoft since the studio first formed as a tester and became a close friend of the Guillemot brothers. They basically barely supervised him because they thought he could be trusted. Turns out that was the wrong

It was probably just a way for him to make an impossible goal post so he had an excuse to cancel it for “quality reasons.” Not only is Hascoet a gross misogynist, he’s apparently a boring, incurious asshole. This is the equivalent of a man watching nothing but CBS cop shows

Pretty sure he was a douchebag who didn’t know what he was talking about and provided nothing to actually help the project or process. I know quite a few “designers” that had a single good idea and then made a career out of providing nothing but criticism about everything else.

It’s wild to hear that one of the largest developers in the world gives so much creative control to a single individual - I’m not sure even Miyamoto has enough influence at Nintendo to unilaterally can a project just because he doesn’t like one aspect of it. From Jason’s article, it also sounds like this CCO was one

Hascoët reportedly set a very high bar for the project, telling the team working on Avalon that it needed to be “better than Tolkien.”

sony also has no problems showing you games that won’t be out for another 4years.

The thing is, they still need you to buy hardware, Gamepass is not everywhere and thus if you don’t have a gaming Windows PC, or an XBone, you will still need to buy something in order to use GamePass, so they still need to convince you somehow. Sure when XCloud becomes integrated and support for more platforms become

You’re absolutely right.