
So the mom is in the car looking at the flyers she made and Megan Faux is at the hood of the car tapping on it. The mom’s name is Sarah and Megan Faux was apparently triggered by hearing the term “crazy” which means...she might be. Megan Faux is going on about how Robert doesn’t love the mom and recounting her story

Megan Faux?

The levels of condescension in that tweet are staggering.

Sucks she wouldn’t do an interview. This probably didn’t help!

The original communist theorists argued that race was a social construction used to exploit the periphery, and that human progress could only be possible if distinctions based on race (or gender, or ethnic background) were erased. All governments that adopted it were of course racist (and sexist and elitist) as fuck,

Just a fun fact about our hero.

Good for her. I don’t get the angle of tying this to communism though? i.e. how does a governmental financial system entail outing people as white supremacists?

She is a devout knight of the proletariat.

As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.

Not sure I could love this comrade more.

To quote Ellen Ripley, “did IQ’s just drop sharply while I’ve been away?”

Well you see, Arise was released first in theaters in Japan. That by definition makes them theatrical releases. Alternative Architecture is the TV cut of Arise.

Ghost in the Shell: Too Many Subtitles: Colons Everywhere.

They sound bad too. Muddy base, muted treble. They do feel comfy though. I use Grado SR-series headphones and Etymotic earbuds, and there’s just NO comparison in sound.

I still see video and audio engineers with the 7506 headphones in their gear bags.

I would argue that this has been the Monster M.O. from day one. Take normal A/V cables, add some gold-plated connectors, and then convince people that they are a premium product and that it makes sense to pay $80 for an HDMI cable.

Sony MDR-7506 kick these in the butt, last forever, and cost a fraction of the Bleats.

“The headphones are incredibly cheaply made. The company cuts corners everywhere it can”

I missed ALL of that. I thought when Judy Greer was on the phone she had stepped out of a work meeting. I remember thinking it was odd she would do that to talk to her sister/kids, but I figured she was just high enough on the food chain that she could get away with it. Your explanation makes more sense.