
So what your saying is this kickstarter was in fact a disguised pre-order by sony to see if it was worth signing on to help produce the game.

Mine’s been going fine since it came out...but I haven’t sneezed on it, so who knows.

Mine’s been working since...well, Day One oddly enough. As has the second I bought.

I strongly disagree with Early Access being in the “losers” list. Luke, you know full well that console games aren’t really finished products any more. And I’m not just referring to consoles games that are released with lots of bugs. Games evolve over time. The idea if a pristine, unchanging release is less and less

$1.1 million dollars in less than four hours. It will be funded and released

Mock me if you will, but I actually think Microsoft has done the best so far. The HoloLens demo, the exclusives, and the fucking backwards compatibility mixed in with some games on Xbone coming with older 360 entries fucking sold me. As did the, allow few, new IP they showed off. I already have a PS4, Wii U, and Xbox

My biggest issue with Absolution was the tone of the story. Blood Money really was Hitman at full stride, including story. The humor in past games was dark, but subtle. Absolution was totally in your face with over the top jokes and situations. Oh and fucking Agent 47 walking into not one, not two, but at least three

Yeah i’m sorry but the fact it’s not coming to PS3 pisses me off to no end. I’m sticking with PC this gen.

Or, ya know... Sony could just fund the game. Or did they just want to get the good karma without the commitment?

I remember when I used this game coming soon as my justification to buy a PS3 a handful of years ago.

By showing a game that everybody wanted but people just assumed was lost forever.

yea, it looked like a ps2 game that they tried to turn into a ps3 game. nothing about the graphics or gameplay was impressive.

This was extraordinary, while at the same time sad. It’s gaming at its finest. Hideo Kojima put his all in it and his message is received loud and clear. You feel it.

So is terrible voice acting part of MGS’s appeal?


I’ll wait to see how it works on something other than Minecraft first as that’s the only thing they’ve shown.

hahaha wow what kind of fucked up reality do you live in, man?

no way fox would have a field day they would probably think its real like the mgs5 debacle